Glabrella mihieri

Distributed in Guangxi, Guizhou and Sichuan, China, G. mihieri was until recently classified in the genus Briggsia. Exhibited in the 2020 virtual show of the Gesneriad Society. Top view of a plant showing a succulent rosette.

Kaisupeea herbacea

Kaisupeea herbacea is distributed in Myanmar, Thailand and Laos. The species has some unusual characteristics, including being a tropical perennial that has stems and leaves that die back seasonally and then re-sprout from underground buds. Exhibited in the 2020 virtual show of the Gesneriad

Kohleria ‘Bud’s Little Pig

Kohleria ‘Bud’s Little Pig’ is a hybrid by Brandon Erikson. It is very compact, with potentially many small pig-pink flowers. Some of these have one or more curly extra “petals” (not calyx lobes) that look like they could be pig’s tails, hence the name

Kohleria ‘Manchu’

Exhibited at the 2012 convention of the Gesneriad Society. While Kohlerias are often grown and shown as multi-stemmed plants in large pots, this is an example of an alternative strategy gone wonderfully right — a single stem with a spectacular crown of flowers. Additional photos can

Kohleria ‘Peridots Jaguar Paws’

Kohleria ‘Peridots Jaguar Paws’ is a hybrid by Iain James, ‘Peridots Kitlope’ x ‘Lychee’s Temptation’. It has flowers with an unusual and beautiful peachy coloring. Additional photos can be seen in a slideshow by clicking one of the links below: A plant exhibited

Kohleria ‘Red Ryder’

Exhibited at the 2020 virtual show of the Gesneriad Society. This fine hybrid is known for having very large flowers, and for blooming nicely at a fairly small plant size. Another photo, also from the virtual show, can be seen here.

Metapetrocosmea peltata

Metapetrocosmea peltata is the single species in this genus, and is native Hainan, China. The species has at least two flower forms, differing only in color — one is blue/lavender, the other is primarily white. Exhibited at the

Michaelmoelleria vietnamensis

Michaelmoelleria vietnamensis is the only species in this newly-established (as of 2020) genus. It is distributed in southern Vietnam, in broad-leaved forests on granitic montane hills. In Vietnam it is considered a prized decorative plant, resulting in extensive collection from the local forests. Its

Microchirita micromusa

Exhibited at the AGGS 2002 Convention show. The bright yellow flowers contrasted engagingly with the red veins and bright green of the leaf. Most selections of this species do not have the red leaf veins, and have plain green leaves sporting the yellow flowers. M.

Nautilocalyx pemphidius

Exhibited at the 2016 convention of the Gesneriad Society. This species is frequently grown for its unusual bullate/quilted foliage and easy rosette habit (if given enough humidity), although it is not difficult to flower. Additional photos may be seen in a slideshow by clicking one of

Ornithoboea wildeana

This spectacular specimen was posted to the Facebook page of Minnesota Gesneriads. Ornitoboea wildeana has not been widely grown, with its close relative Ornithoboea arachnoidea more often seen. It is becoming somewhat more widely distributed, and its interesting

Pearcea schimpfii

This was a spectacular plant, shown at the Gesneriad Society convention flower show in 2007. Note the stakes holding up the long stalks; in nature, the stalks might bend and then turn towards the light, or be held up within a clump. The species was featured

Petrocosmea ‘Imperial Butterflies’

This Petrocosmea was hybridized by N. Nakayama from Japan.  It is a cross of  Petrocosmea nevosa Petrocosmea  flaccida.  Flowers are deep purple, with double or triple lobes and are ruffled. Exhibited at the 2020 virtual show of the Gesneriad

Petrocosmea glabristoma

Many cultivars widely grown as Petrocosmea barbata have recently been shown to be P. glabristoma. The two species are sufficiently similar to require some expertise to distinguish them. P. glabristoma has some floral variation, especially in the degree

Petrocosmea kerrii

Exhibited at the 2020 virtual show of the Gesneriad Society. Flowers are found under the foliage unlike other Petrocosmea flowers which are usually suspended from petioles above the foliage. Buds may appear to took like ‘suckers’ or ‘offsets’ near the base of the plant.

Petrocosmea xingyiensis

Exhibited at the 2020 virtual show of the Gesneriad Society. Another plant, exhibited at the 2021 virtual show, can be seen here. Growing in certain condition, it is quite a floriferous species as seen here and here

Petrocosmea Xlongianthera

This species was introduced into cultivation by Jim Roberts in 2011 who found it on a trip to China.  It was originally distributed as Petrocosmea JR 2011 sp. ‘A’, and later as Petrocosmea coerulea.  P. Xlongianthera

Primulina ‘Atsuko’

This is a hybrid by Toshijiro Okuto of P. fimbrisepala ‘Wuhan’ x P. subrhomboidea. It is characterized by exceptionally large flowers. A plant exhibited in the2020 virtual show of the Gesneriad Society can be seen here.

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