Streptocarpusis included in almost everyone’s list of favorite gesneriad genera — the hybrid lines are very well-developed, providing some of the best horticultural experiences available in the family.  However, the hybrids are not the only points of interest within Streptocarpus.  The very large number of species, and the bizarre forms those species sometimes take, are a source of continuing fascination for many, especially those with a sophisticated approach to their horticulture and botany.

Prof. Dirk Bellstedt of Stellenbosch, South Africa, has provided us with a large number of photographs of Streptocarpus,including many found growing in nature.   The list below provides a convenient way of quickly reviewing many of these images — click on a name, and the image appears in a popover window.   Annotation for many of them can be found on their respective main pages, which can be reached by navigating to the Streptocarpus genus page, where thumbnail images of all of these species may be seen.

Visit the Streptocarpus Genus Page