There are several names in use for dark-leaved cultivars of Chrysothemis pulchella. These include C. pulchella Bronze Leaf and C. pulchella Copper Leaf, which appear to be used interchangeably. The specimen above was exhibited as Bronze, but we are using the Copper Leaf name for this page as it appears to pre-date others.
This beautiful specimen was exhibited at the GS2023 convention, and is a fine and imposing plant, beautifully grown.
Other photos can be seen by clicking the links below.
- A close-up of the flowers on the plant above
- Another beautiful show plant exhibited at the 2019 convention show of the Gesneriad Society
- Another spectacular show plant exhibited at the 2002 convention show of the Gesneriad Society
The plain green leaf form can be seen on another page. An antique print page is here.