Eucodonia andrieuxii is a variable species, with a number of named cultivars. This one, originally distributed by the Gesneriad Research Foundation with the cultivar name ‘Cornell’, has plain green leaves and a modest degree of fuzziness. Other cultivars have darker foliage, red hairs on the stems and somewhat different flowers.
View a slideshow of a number of cultivars by clicking on one of the links below:
- E. andrieuxii ‘Cornell’
- E. andrieuxii ‘Cornell’ (different picture)
- E. andrieuxii ‘Woolly Morrion’
- E. andrieuxii ‘Tinctocama’
- E. andrieuxii ‘Naomi’
- E. andrieuxii ‘Naomi’ (different picture)
Each of these cultivars can be seen on its own plant page as well.