Authors: Chautems, Alain
Publication: Revista Brasileira de Botanica
Year: 1991
Genera: Besleria, Codonanthe, Dalbergaria, Drymonia, Lietzia, Napeanthus, Nematanthus, Paliavana, Sinningia

A species inventory of Gesneriaceae family in the cocoa region (Bahia) was established. A total of 19 species and 11 genera were listed after field observation and herbarium examination: Besteria flavovirens Nees & Mart., B. laxiflora Benth., Codonanthe gracilis (Mart.) Hanst., C. uleana Fritsch, C. mattos-silvae Chautems sp. nov., C. serrulata Chautems sp. nov., Cubitanthus alatus (Cham. & Schlecht.) Barringer, Dalbergaria sanguinea (Pers.) Steudel, Drymonia coccinea (Aubl.) Wiehler, D. serrulata (Jacq.) Mart., Lietzia brasiliensis (Regel) Schmidt, Napeanthus primulifolius (Raddi) Sandwith, Nematanthus corticola Schrader, Paliavana tenuiflora Mansf., Sinningia barbata (Nees & Mart.) Nichols, S. sceptrum (Mart.) Wiehler, S. speciosa Hiern, S. villosa Lindl., indet. sp. l. Despite the limited information available for some species (9 of 19 wcre not observed or collected during the one year study in the region), the distribution and frequency data are interpreted in relation to the diversification of the Gesneriaceae family in Brazil and in the neotropics.

Article is in Portuguese.