Authors: Gammi, Lemmem; Borah, Dipankar; Taram, Momang; Tag, Hui; Khapugin, Anatoliy A.
Publication: Wulfenia
Year: 2020
Genera: Beccarinda

We present the first record of Beccarinda tonkinensis (Pellegr.) B.L. Burtt (Gesneriaceae) for India on the basis of specimens collected in Kerang and Yosing, Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh, India. The species is easily recognized from its congeners by its decumbent stem, basal leaves, axillary cymes and broadly ovate bracts. Until now, Beccarinda tonkinensis has only been known from China and Vietnam. A brief description of the records along with additional notes and photographs are provided. On the basis of known data, we conducted IUCN Red List assessment of the species in India with status EN B1ab(iii)+B2ab(iii); C2a(i); D.