Authors: Pereira, Luciana C.; Barbosa, Daniel E. F.; Chautems, Alain; Neto, Luiz Menini
Publication: SciELO Preprints
Year: 2021
Genera: Many Genera

The Serra do Relógio is located in the municipality of Descoberto, Zona da Mata in the State of Minas Gerais. There is two important conservation units in this region, Reserva Biológica da Represa do Grama and Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Alto da Boa Vista. Both Conservation Units together cover a total area of ~403 ha of vegetation, mainly semi-deciduous seasonal forest. The Gesneriaceae is represented in the area by eight species, distributed in the genus Besleria (2 spp.), Nematanthus (3 spp.), Paliavana (1 spp.), Sinningia (1 spp.) and Vanhouttea (1spp.). We present descriptions, identification key, comments on taxonomy, distribution and ecology as well as photos of all recorded species.