Authors: Pereira, Luciana Carvalho; Chautems, Alain; Mello, Rodrigo de Macedo; Neto, Luiz Menini
Publication: Boletim de Botanica
Year: 2013
Genera: Nematanthus, Seemannia, Sinningia

The Parque Estadual da Serra do Papagaio is located in the Mantiqueira Range, in Southern Minas Gerais. It harbors an important remnant of Atlantic Forest with mixed formation of high altitude grasslands, dense rainforest and areas with mixed ombrophilous forest, distributed in an area of 22.917 hectares, of which about 50% has steep slopes and altitude above 1.800m. Gesneriaceae is represented in the Park by eight species belonging to the genera Nematanthus (N. fornix (Vell.) Chautems), Seemannia (S. sylvatica (Kunth) Hanst) and Sinningia (S. aggregata (Ker Gawl.) Wiehler, S. allagophylla (Mart.) Wiehler, S. cooperi (Paxton) Wiehler, S. douglasii (Lindl) Chautems, S. gigantifolia Chautems, S. magnifica (Otto & A. Dietr.) Wiehler). Identification key, morphological descriptions, illustrations and comments about ecology, taxonomy and geographic distribution of the species are provided.

Article is in Portuguese.