Authors: Morton, C. V.; Denham, Dale
Publication: Taxon
Year: 1972
Genera: Agalmyla, Aikinia, Anetanthus, Anodiscus, Antonia, Besleria, Boeica, Busea, Calycoplectus, Coccanthera, Codonanthopsis, Codonophora, Conradia, Coronanthera, Cryptoloma, Cyrtanthemum, Dircaea, Eriphia, Eumolpe, Gasteranthopsis, Gesneria, Gloxinia, Hippodamia, Hypocyrta, Leptoboea, Ligeria, Loboptera, Locheria, Machrochlamys, Monopyle, Nautilocalyx, Ortholoma, Parabesleria, Petrodoxa, Phinaea, Platystemma, Rhynchotechum, Rhytidophyllum, Skiophila, Tapina, Tremacron, Tussaica

We have been looking up the original publication of all the generic names of the family Gesneriaceae for the “Index Nominum Genericorum”. Dr. B. L. Burtt has in various publications chosen lectotypes for many of the Old World genera, but many of the New World ones have not as yet been properly lectotypified. Generally, the proper lectotype is obvious, even though it has not been formally designated, and these we have chosen here. There are only a few names, like Diplocalyx K. B. Presl (still wholly dubious), Orobanchia Vandelli (also dubious), and Gesnera Mart. (non L.) that must remain ‘provisional’ for the time being.