Authors: Popov, B. N.; Georgieva, S. Y.; Lalchev, S.
Publication: Trakia Journal of Sciences
Year: 2012
Genera: Haberlea

The radioprotective effect of extract of resurrection plant Habrlea rhodopensis (HR) was investigated in cultured blood lymphocytes of rabbits. Peripheral blood samples were collected from ear marginal vein 2 hours after a single intramuscular injection of 0.03, 0.06 and 0.12 g/kg bw of Haberlea rhodopensis leaf extract. The whole blood samples was exposed in vitro to 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 Gy of 60Co gamma irradiation, and then the lymphocytes were cultured with mitogenic stimulation to determine the level of chromosome aberrations in them. The lymphocytes in the blood samples collected after extract injection exhibited a significant decrease in the incidence of metaphases containing chromosome aberrations compared to similarly irradiated lymphocytes collected from rabbits without treated the extract. A significant decrease in the frequency of aberrant cells and chromosome aberrations was observed after injection of Haberlea rhodopensis (0.03, 0.06 and 0.12 g/kg bw). These data suggest that it may be possible to use Haberlea rhodopensis extract to protect lymphocytes from genetic radiation effects.