Authors: Middleton, D. J.; Puglisi, C.; Suddee, S.
Publication: Edinburgh Journal of Botany
Year: 2017
Genera: Ornithoboea

The genus Ornithoboea C.B. Clarke, in subfamily Didymocarpoideae, tribe Trichosporeae, subtribe Loxocarpinae, is one of the more instantly recognisable in Thai Gesneriaceae owing to its characteristic and complex corolla shape with the so-called circlet around the mouth of the corolla tube (see Fig. 1 in Scott &Middleton, 2014). It was only recently revised (Scott &Middleton, 2014) and 16 species were recognised, of which 11 occur in Thailand. On a collecting trip to north-western Thailand in October 2014, specimens of Ornithoboea were collected in Mae Hong Son and Tak provinces that appeared to belong to two taxa not included in Scott & Middleton (2014). This paper clarifies the status of this material, resulting in the description of one new species and one new variety, Ornithoboea grandiflora D.J.Middleton and Ornithoboea maxwellii var. minutiflora D.J. Middleton.