Aeschynanthus humilis is an unusual Aeschynanthus, in that it is a fairly small and generally upright growing plant, with leaves that are not at all succulent. Well-grown, as in this example, it can be a spectacular specimen, with many bright orange flowers produced at the leaf tips. This species was formerly in cultivation as A. hildebrandii, but has a distinctly different flower-shape than that species.
A. humilis is not a particularly easy plant to grow for many people, although some find it quite amenable. It does well under artificial lighting, but requires careful attention to watering (moist but not wet), and does best in fairly warm circumstances.
The feature photo above was exhibited at the 2009 convention of the Gesneriad Society. Additional photos can be seen in a slideshow by clicking one of the links below:
- Another show plant, from the 2013 convention of the Gesneriad Society
- Flower closeup
- Flower cluster on a different plant from GS2019
- Flower comparison of A. humilis and A. hildebrandii
- A yellow form, A. humilis ‘Topaz’
- A photo with A. speciosus and several hybrids of the two species
- A. ‘Hot Flash’, a hybrid with A. evrardii