Primulina liboensis is a compact plant with broad roundish leaves and very attractive purplish/lavender flowers with yellow in the throat. This beautiful plant was shown at the March, 2006, show of the Toronto Gesneriad Society.
Like many Primulinas, this species is somewhat variable. One cultivar has veins distinctly marked in silvery white, and it has been shown as a fine foliage specimen.
Other pictures of the species can be seen by clicking one of the links below to initiate a slideshow.
- The whole plant with the flowers above
- A different plant
- A plant exhibited in the 2021 virtual show of the Gesneriad Society
- The white-veined form, exhibited at the 2011 convention of the Gesneriad Society
- The white-veined form, exhibited at the 2021 virtual show of the Gesneriad Society
- The white-veined form in flower, exhibited at the 2021 virtual show of the Gesneriad Society