Primulina ‘Aiko’ (red)

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  • Photographer: Ron Myhr
  • Grown by: Bev Williams

Images copyright by the individual photographers or their institutions.

Primulina ‘Aiko’ (red) bears the same name as the original Primulina ‘Aiko’, a hybrid of P. lutea and P. fimbrisepala created by Toshijiro Okuto. The original ‘Aiko’ has plain green leaves.

The cultivar that has come to be known as P. ‘Aiko’ (red) has dark reddish leaves and does not grow as large as the original. It also has distinct reddish lines in the throat of the flower, whereas the original is mostly a plain rich yellow. This darker cultivar is also known as P. ‘Aiko’ (dark); it is by far the most widely distributed and grown.

The featured plant above was shown at the 2013 convention of the Gesneriad Society.

Other photos can be seen in a slideshow by clicking one of the links below: