Sinningia ‘Peridots Autumn Embers’

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  • Photographer: Ron Myhr
  • Grown by: Iain James

Images copyright by the individual photographers or their institutions.

This interesting and attractive hybrid was entered by the hybridizer in the 2010 convention show of the Gesneriad Society.

Variegation in the leaves of Sinningias is unusual, and this form is quite striking — yellowish shading and blotching. I (RM) am not usually a fan of leaf variegation, but make an exception for this plant.

Mr. James reports that this is a complex hybrid involving S. eumorpha ‘Saltao’ and S. cardinalis ‘Innocent’ on one side, and S. glazioviana and S. eumorpha on the other.

Additional photos may be seen in a slideshow by clicking one of the links below: