S. ‘Super Orange’, from hybridizer Bartley Schwarz, was the first miniature Sinningia with a very clear orange colour. Since it came relatively true from seed, many plants have been distributed under this name which were in fact seedlings. Over time, it appears that the name has come to be applied to a range of plants with variable characteristics.
Al Wojcik, a former editor of CrossWords, the newsletter of the Gesneriad Hybridizers’ Association, has commented as follows on this photo:
“The flowers on mine don’t have such a flat face. The limbs are smaller and don’t flare out as much. The (original) SO from B. Schwarz has an overall flower shape more reminiscent of the first Miniature Sinningias like Krishna or Ramadeva. The flower shape looks to me like it has some of the characteristics of later hybrids, especially with the more flaring lobes.”
In any event, the plant illustrated here is a beautiful thing, whatever it should be called!