Streptocarpus Chris Rose hybrid

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  • Photographer: Ron Myhr
  • Grown by: Chris Rose

Images copyright by the individual photographers or their institutions.

Chris Rose once had an extensive Streptocarpus hybridizing program, resulting in a range of interesting cultivars. Most of them are no longer in cultivation, but it’s interesting seeing where he was going.

Chris Rose reports that this plant is one of the results of his attempts to produce hybrids with an enlarged yellow area. This photo does not properly represent the yellow, as it is mostly washed out in the upper flowers, but it does show the elegant form and dramatic markings. It is a complex hybrid, involving a rexii-type hybrid, ‘Falling Stars’, ‘Ruby’ and ‘Elsi’ — the latter three are all products of the Dibley nursery. Another hybrid from the same background has been named ‘Ruby Anniversary’.