Exhibited at the 2024 convention show of the Gesneriad Society. This beautiful hybrid was created by Dale Martens by crossing Gloxinia erinoides ‘Chapada dos Guimaraes’ with Diastema comiferum.
There is some potential confusion with the intergeneric name. It is very similar to xGloxinistema, which are hybrids involving the genera Gloxiniopsis and Diastema. Only one is known to have been produced, xGloxinistema ‘First Frost’.
‘First Frost’, a cross of Diastema racemiferum and, as it was known at the time, Gloxinia racemosa, was originally classified as xGloxistema, until G. racemosa was transferred to Gloxiniopsis. This resulted in a change to the intergeneric name.
Additional photos can be seen here: