From the Dashboard for a particular Genus Page, editors control all editable parts for those pages. Changes made on the Dashboard for a Genus Page will be reflected on the page as viewed by someone navigating to the site. Editors will not typically need to create a new Genus page, unless there are taxonomic changes resulting in the creation of one or more new genera within that editor’s sphere of responsibility. Editing existing pages may, however, be required from time to time.
Hovering your cursor over the image above will enlarge it so you can see the content more clearly.
Note that at the very top of the window in the black bar, there are a series of options including, “View Page”. After you have saved your work (publishing or updating, see below), you can see the results of your work by clicking “View Page”. You will see the page as it is visible to users. You will still have the options in the black bar, but now instead of “View Page”, you will see “Edit Page”. Click this to return to the Dashboard for the page, and continue editing/creating.
“Editorial Author” includes the individual(s) who will be identified on the displayed page as the Editors, and the link to the “Contact” page through which they can be contacted. Editors’ email addresses are not displayed; when a contact request is processed, the editor(s) will get the message via an email sent from the system. Note that the Administrators will create the contact page for each genus, and the link on the site in the space shown above — Genus Editors do not need to do this. At the point when the screenshot above was taken, the contact page had not yet been set up, hence the “Test Page”.
However, Editors can add additional editorial staff if they want, but should consult with the Admins before they do so that everything can be properly set up. Additional Editors can be added by pressing the “Add Row” button.
While it will be admins who set up the contact forms, it is useful for all editors to know how it works:
- The Contact Page only needs to be set up for a newly added genus, and is normally done by the Admins — the following steps are more for the Admins, who are liable to forget how to do it, than for the Genus Editors
- The contact form is created by the plugin “Gravity Forms”
- A form is created within the plugin, with appropriate values (including the email addresses of the editor and admins, who will receive copies of queries — although it is mainly the responsibility of the editors to respond to contact submission); we will normally clone an existing contact form and then just change the relevant parts
- Once the form is created, it needs to be embedded in a page, that will be displayed to the user wanting to make contact
- The contact page is created from the Pages dialogue; you need to add a Page (as distinct from Plants or Antique Prints, or etc.), and then choose “Contact Us” as the parent page
- A WordPress “short code” needs to be embedded in the page text area, which will call up the appropriate contact form; it’s best to open another contact form, copy the short code, and then change the Gravity Forms ID to the one appropriate for the new Contact Us page (you’ll see it in the Gravity Forms listing of created forms)
- Once it is created, the contact page will be in the drop-down list visible from “Editorial Contact URL” in the editing window for a genus page; it will show as subordinate to “Contact Us” in the list; choose the right genus contact name, and you are done
The Links (species, hybrids and intergenerics) reflect the content on the site. If there are plant pages for only species (likely for many lesser known genera), only the Species link should be checked. If there are plant pages for both species and hybrids, then those two links should be checked. Only if there are pages for intergeneric hybrids should that be checked. In this case, Sinningia, there is in fact at least one intergeneric hybrid on the site involving the genus, a cross with Paliavana (unless of course taxonomy has changed and we don’t know about it). Intergenerics should in fact be checked here, which results in display of that link on the page as the user sees it. It is the Genus Editors’ responsibility to ensure that corrections like this are made.
To the right are two sections, “Publish” and “Page Attributes”.
In the upper section, “Publish”, you control the saving of any changes you make. When changes are made to an existing page, you need to click “Update” to save the changes. If it’s a new page altogether, the button says “Publish” before the first save, then “Update” after the first save. If you want to delete the page, click “Move to Trash”, but don’t do this unless you are very, very sure. Other detail is essentially information.
In the lower section, Page Attributes, you MUST select Gesneriad Genera as the parent (which results in the inclusion of the current genus in the thumbnail list under Genera), and Genus Page as the template (which controls how the information is displayed). A different set of options are available when you are editing a Plant Page.
“Order” is not something you will need to edit or control within the Genus Page.
When setting up a genus page, it is important to remember that plant pages will link to a genus page, and do so by creation/selection of the genus name — this is the “slug”, the last part of the URL that is specific to the page. Do not modify the slug in any way, for fear of making it impossible to link to the page. If there are problems, contact the admins.