Images are really important on the GRW, so Genus Editors should pay particular attention to sourcing and displaying the best visual illustrations of their genus that they can find.
The core of the GRW is the Plant Page and the photographs that are displayed there. The posting and display of images is straightforward, and should not represent problems for the editors, as is illustrated below for the posting of a new plant page, Sinningia ‘Cabo Frio’.
The main technical information for the page is entered or selected as shown above – the name of the cultivar (complete with unitalicization), species, photographer, grower and genus name). What remains is to post the image and prepare the text.
Just for illustration, generic information on the cultivar is provided. After this screenshot was taken I added additional information, and I’m sure the Sinningia editors will want to expand and/or change it.
Note that there is no featured image, and that Set Featured Image is available. Click on that and the dialog below is produced.
Note that what is contained here is almost exclusively screenshots that I’ve been using to create the Editors’ Manual. The most recent images are at the top, and the task is to find S. speciosa ‘Cabo Frio’ from among all the thousands of images on the site.
The search function works well! I enter “cabo frio” and see what I get!
When I select the top-view image, I get the dialogue below:
This image is not going to be used in a way that requires Title, Caption or Description information, at least for the moment, but it’s useful to capture the appropriate information anyway. Caption is not likely to be use in a context that Genus Editors will encounter, so I’ve just entered basic information within the Description field (the photographer and grower) and I’ve tidied up the title and done the italics. Then click Set Featured Image in the lower right, and the image will be inserted in the plant page.
Although not shown here, the text is actually there, just below what’s visible.