Phylogenetics, character evolution, and historical biogeography of the Neotropical genus Besleria (Gesneriaceae)
2024 |
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |
Ferreira, Gabriel E. |
Evolution of intraspecific floral variation in a generalist–specialist pollination system
2024 |
Journal of Evolutionary Biology |
Leménager, Marion |
Biogeographic history of the pantropical family Gesneriaceae with a focus on the Indian plate and diversification through the Old World
2024 |
Frontiers of Biogeography |
Ranasinghe, Subhani W. |
Two new records of Henckelia for India from Arunachal Pradesh
2024 |
Vegetos |
Taram, Momang |
Taxonomic Circumscription of Columnea lophophora (Gesneriaceae) Supports the Recognition of Two New Species from the Andes of Ecuador and Peru
2024 |
Systematic Botany |
Clark, John L. |
Aeschynanthus reiekensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Mizoram, Northeast India
2023 |
Taiwania |
Lalhlupuii, Margaret |
Gesneriaceae of the Golfo Dulce Region
2023 |
Field Museum |
Alvarez-Alcazar, Leonardo |
New locality of Distribution of Ramonda Nathaliae Pancic & Petrovic (Gesneriaceae) in Republic of North Macedonia
2023 |
Journal not found |
Haziri, Agim |
Cytotoxic, Antibacterial, and Antioxidant Activities of the Leaf Extract of Sinningia bullata
2023 |
Plants |
Chen, Pin-Jui |
Glossoloma magenticristatum (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the Cordillera Oriental of the Colombian Andes
2023 |
Phytokeys |
Hoyos, David |
Gesneriads, a Source of Resurrection and Double-Tolerant Species: Proposal of New Desiccation- and Freezing-Tolerant Plants and Their Physiological Adaptations
2023 |
Biology |
Legardon, Ane |
Raphiocarpus taygiangensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from central Vietnam
2023 |
PhytoKeys |
Nguyen, Cuong Huu |
Validation of two species’ names in the genus Moussonia (Gesneriaceae: Gesnerioideae)
2023 |
Revista mexicana de biodiversidad |
Ramirez-Roa, Angelica |
Henckelia arupii (Gesneriaceae): A new species from Arunachal Pradesh, India
2023 |
Feddes Repertorium |
Taram, Momang |
Alsobia jaltenangensis (Gesneriaceae: Gesnerieae: Columneinae), a new and endemic species to Chiapas, Mexico
2023 |
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad |
Ramírez-Roa, Angélica |
Columnea karstenianum R.Kr.Singh, a new name of C. picta H.Karst. (Gesneriaceae)
2023 |
Phytotaxa |
Singh, Rajeev Kumar |
Three New Gesneria Species (Gesneriaceae) Support Parc National Pic Macaya (Haiti) as an Important Biodiversity Hotspot
2023 |
Systematic Botany |
Joly, Simon |
Erratum – Three New Species of Gesneria
2023 |
Systematic Botany |
Joly, Simon |
Addition of four invasive alien plant species to state flora of Mizoram, India
2023 |
Journal of Threatened Taxa |
Tlanhlui, Lal |
Gesneria clasei (Gesneriaceae), a new lithophilous species from the Sierra de Bahoruco, Dominican Republic
2023 |
Brittonia |
Clark, John L. |
Another Recently Recognized Monotypic Genus is No Longer Monotypic: A Second Species of Pachycaulos (Gesneriaceae) from the Huancabamba Depression in Northern Peru
2023 |
Systematic Botany |
Clark, John L. |
Gesneria tuberifera (Gesneriaceae), a new lithophytic species from the Sierra de Bahoruco, Barahona Peninsula of southern Hispaniola (Dominican Republic)
2023 |
PhytoKeys |
Clark, John L. |
Medicinal Angiosperms of Orobanchaceae, Gesneriaceae, Bignoniaceae
2022 |
In book: Common Chinese Materia Medica |
Ye, Huagu |
Didymocarpus cordifolius (Gesneriaceae), a new species from southern Yunnan, China
2022 |
Phytotaxa |
Li, Peng-Wei |
Primulina pingleensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China
2022 |
Phytotaxa |
Qin, Ying |
Oreocharis repenticaulis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from western Guangxi, China
2022 |
ARPHA Preprint |
Huang, XueKui |
Actinostephanus (Gesneriaceae), a new genus and species from Guangdong, South China
2022 |
ARPHA Preprints |
Wen, Fang |
Oreocharis xieyongii, an unusual new species of Gesneriaceae from western Hunan, China
2022 |
Plant Diversity |
Li, Zhen-Yu |
Lectotypifications of four names in the family Gesneriaceae
2022 |
Adansonia |
Akhil, Mannar Kandy |
Henckelia longipedicellata (Gesneriaceae): New addition for the flora of India from Mishmi Hills of Arunachal Pradesh
2022 |
Feddes Repertorium |
Taram, Momang |
The vascular epiphyte flora in a white-sand ecosystem of the Uatumã Sustainable Development Reserve, Central Amazon
2022 |
Checklist |
Klein, Vivane Pagnussat |
Rediscovery of Gasteranthus extinctus L.E.Skog & L.P.Kvist (Gesneriaceae) at multiple sites in western Ecuador
2022 |
PhytoKeys |
Pitman, Nigel C. A. |
Comparison of rosulate and short-stemed species of Gesneriaceae Dumort., introduced into the botanical garden of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
2022 |
Issues of steppe forestry and forest land reclamation |
Domnytska, I. L. |
The first genome for the Cape Primrose Streptocarpus rexii (Gesneriaceae), a model plant for studying meristem-driven shoot diversity
2022 |
Plant Direct |
Nishii, Kanae |
Lectotypifications of four names in the family Gesneriaceae
2022 |
Adansonia |
Akhil, Mannar Kandy |
Pollen morphology of Napeantheae Wiehler (Gesneriaceae) from Brazil
2022 |
Palynology |
Bellonzi, Talita Kely |
Petrocosmea hsiwenii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China
2022 |
Taiwania |
Cai, Lei |
Two new species of Sinningia (Gesneriaceae) endemic to Bahia, Brazil
2022 |
Candollea |
Chautems, Alain |
Two new species of Drymonia (Gesneriaceae) from Northwestern South America, including the discovery of the longest flower known in the genus
2022 |
PhytoKeys |
Clark, John L. |
Monopyle glutinosa (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the western slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes
2022 |
Phyto Keys |
Clark, John L. |
Plastomes of limestone karst gesneriad genera Petrocodon and Primulina, and the comparative plastid phylogenomics of Gesneriaceae
2022 |
Nature |
Hsieh, Chia-Lun |
Deinostigma serratum, a new species of Gesneriaceae from central Vietnam
2022 |
Taiwania |
Le, Tuan Anh |
Oreocharis phuongii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from central Vietnam
2022 |
PhytoKeys |
Le, Khuong Duy |
Genome-wide RAD sequencing data suggest predominant role of vicariance in Sino-Japanese disjunction of the monotypic genus Conandron (Gesneriaceae)
2022 |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
Ling, Shao-Jun |
A synopsis of Philippine Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae)
2022 |
Taxon |
Olivar, Jay Edneil C. |
Primulina fangdingii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China
2022 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Pan, Bo |
Hemiboea kaiyangensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae endemic to Guizhou, China
2022 |
PhytoKeys |
Peng, Tao |
The complete chloroplast genome of a karst-dwelling plant Primulina tenuituba (Gesneriaceae)
2022 |
Mitochonrial DNA Part 8 |
Peng, Tao |
Testing candidate genes linked to corolla shape variation of a pollinator shift in Rhytidophyllum (Gesneriaceae)
2022 |
Poulin, Valerie |
Two new pendulous epiphytic Columnea L. (Gesneriaceae) species from the Chocó forests of the Northern Andes
2022 |
PhytoKeys |
Tobar, Francisco |
Annotated Checklist of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) of Sumatra, Indonesia
2022 |
Reinwardtia |
Wang, Qing Wen |
Comparative chloroplast genome analyses of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae): Insights into adaptive evolution and phylogenetic analysis
2022 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
Wang, Yifei |
Microchirita minor (Gesneriaceae), a new species from north-western Vietnam
2022 |
PhytoKeys |
Xin, Zi-Bing |
Raphiocarpus sinovietnamicus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from southern China and central Vietnam
2022 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Xin, Zi-Bing |
Primulina nana (Gesneriaceae), a new species from eastern Guangxi, China
2022 |
PhytoKeys |
Xiong, Chi |
Oreocharis qianyuensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Southwest, China based on morphological and molecular evidence
2022 |
PhytoKeys |
Yang, Jia-Wen |
Primulina gracilipes (Gesneriaceae), a new species from southern Hunan, China
2022 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Gong, You-Ke |
New and noteworthy records of spermatophytes in the Wallacea region
2022 |
Gardens' Bulleting Singapore |
Mustaqim, W. A. |
Micropropagation of Ornamental Gesneriaceae Species and Genetic Uniformity Assessment of In Vitro Plants Using Scot Markers
2022 |
Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture |
Harta, Monica |
Insights into the Gesneriads of Arunachal Pradesh, India: Rhynchoglossum, Epithema, Stauranthera and Whytockia
2022 |
Gesneriads |
Taram, Momang |
Chemical Profiling, Antiproliferative and Antimigratory Capacity of Haberlea rhodopensis Extracts in an In Vitro Platform of Various Human Cancer Cell Lines
2022 |
Antioxidants |
Spyridopoulou, Katerina |
Oreocharis polyneura, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southern Yunnan, China
2022 |
PhytoKeys |
Gong, Yan-Xiong |
Molecular and Morphological Evidence Supports the Inclusion of Deinostigma into Metapetrocosmea (Gesneriaceae)
2022 |
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden |
Li, Peng-Wei |
Auxin and cytokinin control fate determination of cotyledons in the one-leaf plant Monophyllaea glabra
2022 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
Kinoshita, Ayaka |
Pearcea lutea, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southeastern Ecuador
2022 |
Brittonia |
Clark, John L. |
A new species of Alsobia (Gesneriaceae) from Chiapas, Mexico
2022 |
Lacandonia |
Garcia-Martinez, Roberto |
Lysionotin Induces Ferroptosis to Suppress Development of Colorectal Cancer via Promoting Nrf2 Degradation
2022 |
Hindawi |
Gao, Zhuo |
Leaf gas exchange and water relations of the woody desiccation-tolerant Paraboea rufescens during dehydration and rehydration
2022 |
AoB Plants |
Fu, Pei-Li |
A new species of Lysionotus (Gesneriaceae) from northern Vietnam
2022 |
Taiwania |
Bui, The Doi |
Cataloguing vascular plant diversity of karst caves in China
2022 |
Biodiversity Science |
Fu, Longfei |
Oreocharis guangwushanensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Sichuan Province, China
2022 |
PhytoKeys |
Li, Zheng-Long |
Reassessment of Chirita umbrophila (Gesneriaceae) Based on Molecular and Morphological Evidence
2022 |
Systematic Botany |
Li, Peng-Wei |
Whytockia (Gesneriaceae), a new generic record for India, based on a new species, W. arunachalensis from Arunachal Pradesh, India
2022 |
Rheedea |
Taram, M. |
Oreocharis hainanensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from karst regions in Hainan Island, South China
2022 |
PhytoTaxa |
Ling, Shao-Jun |
Petrocosmea purpureomaculata sp. nov. and P. wui sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Yunnan, China with additions to P. coerulea and P. parryorum
2022 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Han, Meng-Qi |
Request for a binding decision on whether the names Actinostephanos Khursevich (Bacillariophyta) and Actinostephanus F. Wen & al. (Gesneriaceae) are sufficiently alike to be confused
2022 |
Taxon |
Deshmukh, Umakant B. |
Flavonoids and phenylethanoids from the flowers and leaves of Aeschynanthus species and cultivars (Gesneriaceae)
2022 |
Phytochemistry |
Iwashina, Tsukasa |
Petrocodon asterostriatus (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China
2022 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Yang, Zi-Meng |
Cyrtandra villosissima var. flavovirens (Gesneriaceae), a new variety from Zamboanga Del Norte, Philippines
2022 |
Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology |
Olivar, Jay Edneil C. |
The Level of Pollination Specialization Affects the Relationship between the Shape of Flowers and the Bills of Their Hummingbird Pollinators in Antillean Gesneriaceae
2022 |
International Journal of Plant Sciences |
Faure, Julie |
Novedades en las Gesneriaceae de los distritos Mixe y Yautepec, Oaxaca, México: nuevos registros, un listado preliminar y una especie nueva
2022 |
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad |
Flores-Fausto, César |
Development of a petal protoplast transfection system for Sinningia speciosa
2022 |
Applications in Plant Science |
Pan, Zhao-Jun |
A review on ethnobotany, phytochemistry, and pharmacology of the genus Didymocarpus wall. (Gesneriaceae)
2022 |
Journal of Ethnopharmacolory |
Nanjala, Consolata |
Oreocharis tianlinensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from the limestone area in northwestern Guangxi, China
2022 |
Taiwania |
Hu, Ren-Chuan |
Lectotypification of Moussonia (Gesneria) triflora (Gesneriaceae)
2022 |
Revista mexicana de biodiversidad |
Ramírez-Roa, Angélica |
Medicinal Angiosperms of Orobanchaceae, Gesneriaceae, Bignoniaceae
2022 |
Common Chinese Materia Medica |
Ye, Huagu |
Gyrocheilos taishanense: A new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangdong, China
2021 |
Phytotaxa |
Wang, Gang-Tao |
Billolivia lamdongensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Vietnam
2021 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Hareesh, V. S. |
Development of Sinningia magnifica (Otto & A. Dietr.) Wiehler (Gesneriaceae) tissue culture for in vitro production of quinones and bioactive molecules
2021 |
Industrial Crops and Products |
Serain, A. F. |
Phylogenomics of Gesneriaceae using targeted capture of nuclear genes
2021 |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
Ogutcen, Ezgi |
Primulina papillosa (Gesneriaceae), a new species from limestone areas of Guangxi, China
2021 |
Preprint |
Wen, Fang |
Chayamaritia vietnamensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Son La Province, northern Vietnam
2021 |
PhytoKeys |
Xin, Zi-Bing |
Petrocosmea adenophora (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China
2021 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Huang, Zhang-Jie |
Aeschynanthus rejieae (Gesneriaceae), a new species of lipstick vine from Tawi-Tawi, Philippines
2021 |
Phytotaxa |
Olimpos, Shiella Mae B. |
A Taxonomic Revision of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) in Sulawesi, Indonesia
2021 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Atkins, H. J. |
Dimeric naphthochromenes and other constituents of Sinningia allagophylla (Gesneriaceae)
2021 |
Phytochemistry Letters |
Verdan, Mary Helena |
Bopopia, a new monotypic genus of Gesneriaceae (Gesnerioideae, Coronanthereae) from New Caledonia
2021 |
European Journal of Taxonomy |
Morel, Jérémie |
Pseudochirita trifoliata (Gesneriaceae), a new speies from karst limestone in northern Vietnam
2021 |
Phytotaxa |
Van Do, Truong |
Nectar Guide Patterns on Developmentally Homologous Regions of the Subtribe Ligeriinae (Gesneriaceae)
2021 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
Hsu, Hao-Chun |
Typification and synonymy of the Atlantic Forest endemic species Napeanthus primulifolius (Gesneriaceae)
2021 |
Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography |
da Costa-Lima, James |
Petrocodon vietnamensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from karst caves in northern Vietnam
2021 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Xin, Zi-Bing |
Two new species of Henckelia (Gesneriaceae) from the Eastern Himalayan state Arunachal Pradesh, India
2021 |
Feddes Repertorium |
Taram, Momang |
Aeschynanthus lineatus (Gesneriaceae) – A New Record for the Flora of India
2021 |
Journal of Japanese Botany |
Taram, Momang |
Henckelia connata (Gesneriaceae), a new species from eastern Himalayas, China
2021 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Shi, Xi-Zuo |
New circumscriptions add two northern Andean species to Kohleria (Gesneriaceae)
2021 |
Phytokeys |
Clark, John L. |
Paraboea khaoyaica (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Thailand
2021 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Kaitongsuk, S. |
Petrocosmea duyunensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guizhou, China
2021 |
PhytoKeys |
Tang, Sheng-Hu |
The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Achimenes cettoana (Gesneriaceae)
2021 |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B |
Li, Shu |
Five new species of Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from Katanga, D.R. Congo
2021 |
Plant Ecology and Evolution |
Fischer, Eberhard |
Rediscovery of Didymocarpus hookeri (Gesneriaceae), An Endemic, Rare Herb after 81 Years from India
2021 |
Indian Forester |
Borah, Dipankar |
Three new species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) from the western Andean slopes of Ecuador and Colombia
2021 |
PhytoKeys |
Clark, John L. |
Drymonia mexicana (Gesneriaceae), a new endemic species from Veracruz (Mexico)
2021 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Clavijo, Laura |
A new species and palinotaxonomy of Besleria (Gesneriaceae) from the cloud forest of Valle del Cauca, Colombia
2021 |
Phytotaxa |
Cortes-Ceballos, Olga Lorena |
Biogeographical patterns and floral evolution of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae)
2021 |
Plant Science Journal |
Jin, Xuan |
Short-term effect of Hurricane Irma and Maria in the population of Gesneria pauciflora (Gesneriaceae)
2021 |
Acta Cientifica |
Perez, Mervin E. |
Studies of Vegetative Growth, Inflorescence Development and Eco-Dormancy Formation of Abscission Layers in Streptocarpus formosus (Gesneriaceae)
2021 |
horticulturae |
Viljoen, Cherise Christina |
Complete chloroplast genome sequence of an endangered plant Oreocharis cotinifolia (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China
2021 |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B |
Tang, Jinli |
Henckelia inaequalifolia (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China
2021 |
Phytotaxa |
Shi, Xi-Zuo |
A new species of Paraboea and a new species record of Middletonia (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone karst of Central Laos
2021 |
Thai Forest Bulletin |
Phonepaseuth, Phongphayboun |
Gesneriaceae of Pichincha
2021 |
Field Guides, Field Museum |
Perret, Mathieu |
Gesneriaceae da Serra do Relógio, Descoberto, Minas Gerais State, Brazil
2021 |
SciELO Preprints |
Pereira, Luciana C. |
Phyto-chemical Characterization of Aeschynanthus sikkimensis (Clarke) Stapf. (Gesneriaceae) using GC-MS
2021 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research |
Nepal, Abhimanyu |
Henckelia khasiana, a new species of Gesneriaceae from India
2021 |
Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid 78 |
Nampy, Santhosh |
A New Species of Raphiocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from Vietnam
2021 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Middleton, D. J. |
An Optimized Transformation System and Functional Test of CYC-Like TCP Gene CpCYC in Chirita pumila (Gesneriaceae)
2021 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
Liu, Jing |
Paraboea khaoyaica (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Thailand
2021 |
Gardens Bulleting Singapore |
Kaitongsuk, S. |
Billolivia lamdongensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Vietnam
2021 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Hareesh, Vadakkoot Sankaran |
Two new species of Litostigma (Gesneriaceae) from the China–Vietnam border area based on morphological and molecular data, adding new stigma characters for the genus
2021 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Chen, You-Sheng |
A natural intergeneric hybrid of Gesneriaceae from Brazil
2021 |
Phytotaxa |
Araujo, Andrea Onofre de |
A new species of Kohleria (Gesneriaceae) from Southwestern Colombia
2021 |
Phytotaxa |
Arango-Gomez, Katherin |
Hemiboea chanii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from limestone areas of northern Vietnam
2021 |
Phytokeys |
Nguyen, Cuong Huu |
Paradrymonia vivaianensis una Nueva Especie de Gesneriaceae para el Parque Nacional Cordillera Azul, Peru
2021 |
Novon |
Gonzales, Rocio del Pilar Rojas |
Blüten- und Bestäubungsvielfalt bei Sinningia (Gesneriaceae)
2021 |
Der Palmengarten |
Chautems, Alain |
Aeschynanthus radicans
2021 |
IN: Franco, F. M. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia |
Irwanto, R. R. |
Six new species and eight new records of Gesneriaceae from Laos
2021 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Souvannakhoummane, Keooudone |
A new species of Petrocosmea (Gesneriaceae) from Myanmar
2021 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Middleton, D. J. |
Primulina scutellifolia, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southern Vietnam
2021 |
PhytoKeys |
Vu, Ngoc Long |
Oreocharis reticuliflora (Generiaceae), a new species from southeastern Sichuan, China
2021 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Yang, Li-Hua |
Glossoloma wiehlerii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the northwestern Andes of Ecuador
2021 |
PhytoKeys |
Clark, John L. |
Drymonia peponifera, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Ecuador with an overview of Drymonia fruit traits
2021 |
Brittonia |
Clark, John L. |
Gesneriaceae, A Little Studied Family in Mexico: Richness and Taxonomy in the Tabasco State
2021 |
Botanical Sciences |
De la Cruz-Cordova, Saul Adrian |
Primulina cataractarum sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from limestone landform in Southern Hunan, China
2021 |
Phytotaxa |
Ding, Cong |
Primulina clausa, a new species of Gesneriaceae from northern Guangxi, China
2021 |
Phytotaxa |
Li, Peng-Wei |
Phylogenomics of Gesneriaceae using targeted capture of nuclear genes
2021 |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
Ogutcen, Ezgi |
Paradrymonia vivianensis, a New Species of Gesneriaceae for the Cordillera Azul National Park, Peru
2021 |
Novon |
Rojas Gonzales, Rocio |
Ant-gardens: a specialized ant-epiphyte mutualism capable of facing the effects of climate change
2021 |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
Morales-Linares, Jonas |
Petrocodon anoectochilus, a Remarkable New Species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi and Guizhou, Southwest China
2021 |
Novon |
Pan, Bo |
Pollinator type strongly impacts gene flow within and among plant populations for six Neotropical species
2021 |
Ecology |
Gamba, Diana |
Ethnobotanical uses of Gesneriaceae members by the indigenous tribal communities in Arunachal Pradesh (India)
2021 |
Pleione |
Taram, Momang |
Primulina silaniae sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from the limestone area of Guizhou Province, China
2021 |
PhytoKeys |
Zhang, Jin-Quan |
Die Gesneriaceen Afrikas und ihre vogelblütigen Vertreter: Streptocarpus dunnii und S. myoporoides
2021 |
Der Palmengarten |
Weber, Anton |
A new identity for plants cultivated as Petrocosmea ‘minor’ Gesneriaceae
2021 |
Curtis's Botanical Magazine |
Shaw, Julian M. H. |
Phylogeography of the specialist plant Mandirola hirsuta (Gesneriaceae) suggests ancient habitat fragmentation due to savanna expansion
2020 |
Flora |
Florini, Cecilia F. |
A Hitherto Chirita (Gesneriaceae) Can Now Be Identified as a Monopyle
2020 |
Novon |
Skog, Laurence E. |
A Third, New Species of Cremosperma (Gesneriaceae) from Panama
2020 |
Novon |
Skog, Laurence E. |
Virus‑induced Gene Silencing in Streptocarpus rexii (Gesneriaceae)
2020 |
Molecular Biotechnology |
Nishii, Kanae |
Index to names of New World members of the Gesneriaceae (subfamilies Sanangoideae and Gesnerioideae)
2020 |
Rheedia |
Clark, J. L. |
Leptoboea multiflora subsp. grandifolia (Gesneriaceae), a new record for India
2020 |
Rheedea |
Alapatt, J. P. |
Gesneriaceae Special Issue: Preface
2020 |
Rheedea |
Möller, M. |
Henckelia longisepala (Gesneriaceae), a new record for Vietnam
2020 |
Rheedea |
Bui, H. Q. |
Two new taxa of Gesneriaceae in the karst regions in North Vietnam
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Two new species of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae) in Caryota obtusa forests in Southwest China, with compound and simple dichasia, respectively
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Shui, Yu-Min |
Deinostigma fasciculatum, a new species of Gesneriaceae in Yunnan, China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Shui, Yu-Min |
The taxonomic identity of Didymostigma trichanthera (Gesneriaceae)
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Yang, Lihua |
Petrocodon wenshanensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southwestern China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Li, Zheng-Long |
Petrocodon rubiginosus, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Zhang, Rui-Li |
Petrocodon luteoflorus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from karst region in Guizhou, China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Fan, Zhi-Wei |
Two new species of Allocheilos (Gesneriaceae) from the karst regions in Yunnan, China
2020 |
PhotoKeys |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Didymocarpus lobulatus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Zhejiang Province, East China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Xie, Wen-Yuan |
Petrocosmea nanchuanensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Chongqing, China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Qiu, Zhi-Jing |
Oreocharis jasminina (Gesneriaceae), a new species from mountain tops of Hainan Island, South China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Ling, Shao-Jun |
Oreocharis wumengensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from northeastern Yunnan, China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Cai, Lei |
Oreocharis flavovirens, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Southern Gansu Province, China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Qin, Wei-Hua |
Primulina titan (Gesneriaceae), a new species from limestone areas in Guangxi, China
2020 |
Journal of Botanical Research |
Xin, Zi-Bing |
Four new species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) in Yunnan province, China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Genetic delimitation of Oreocharis species from Hainan Island
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Ling, Shao-Jun |
Two new combinations in Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) based on morphological, molecular and cytological evidence
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Yang, Li-Hua |
Reassessment of Bournea Oliver (Gesneriaceae) based on molecular and palynological evidence
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Biogeography and evolution of Asian Gesneriaceae based on updated taxonomy
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Tan, Ke |
Didymocarpus phuquocensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Phu Quoc Island, South-western Vietnam
2020 |
Phytokeys |
Tran, Thi-Lien |
Michaelmoelleria (Gesneriaceae), a new lithophilous dwelling genus and species with zigzag corolla tube from southern Vietnam
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Wen, Fang |
Loxostigma puhoatense (Gesneriaceae), a new species from North Central Vietnam
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Ly, Ngoc-Sam |
Primulina flexusa sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Guizhou Province, China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Peng, Tao |
Henckelia siangensis (Gesneriaceae): a remarkable new species from Northeast India
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Taram, Momang |
A novel type of mirror-image flowers caused by lateral bending of the floral tube in a bumblebee-pollinated plant
2020 |
Flora |
Ling, Shao-Jun |
Primulina spiradiclioides (Gesneriaceae), a new species from limestone areas in Guangxi, China
2020 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Xin, Zi-Bing |
Primulina qintangensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Limestone Areas of Guangxi, China
2020 |
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica |
Xin, Zibing |
A new species of Besleria (Gesneriaceae) from the Serranía El Pinche (Cauca), southwestern Colombia
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Clavijo, Laura |
Two new species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) from karst regions in Yunnan and notes on O. tetraptera and O. brachypoda from China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Cai, Lei |
Petrocodon ionophyllus, a new species of Gesneriaceae from the limestone areas of South China
2020 |
Rheedea |
Li, S. |
Primulina hochiensis var. ochroleuca (Gesneriaceae), a new variety from a limestone area of Guangxi, China, and errata on five new species of Primulina
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Ge, Yu-Zhen |
Oreocharis argentifolia (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the karst region in southeastern Yunnan, China
2020 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Cai, Lei |
Primulina jiuyishanica (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Hunan, China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Liu, Kun |
Two new species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) from karst regions in Yunnan and notes on O. tetraptera and O. brachypoda from China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Cai, Lei |
Keys to the infrafamilial taxa and genera of Gesneriaceae
2020 |
Rheedea |
Weber, A. |
Paraboea dolomitica (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guizhou, China
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Guo, Zhiyou |
Rhynchotechum nirijuliense (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Northeast India
2020 |
Garden's Bulletin Singapore |
Taram, M. |
Two new species of Codonoboea (Gesneriaceae) from Kenaboi State Park, Peninsular Malaysia
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Syahida-Emiza, Suhaimi |
Didymocarpus sinoindicus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from India and China
2020 |
Rheedea |
Prasanna, N. S. |
Didymocarpus nepalensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from eastern Nepal
2020 |
Rheedea |
Adhikari, B. |
Gesneriaceae in China and Vietnam: Perfection of taxonomy based on comprehensive morphological and molecular evidence
2020 |
PhytoKeys |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Lysionotus bijantiae is identified as a new synonym of Henckelia oblongifolia (Gesneriaceae)
2020 |
China Xiv |
Cai, Lei |
Paraboea villosa (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Northern Vietnam
2020 |
Taiwania |
Averyanov, Leonid V. |
Petrocodon chishuiensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species endemic to Guizhou, China
2020 |
Taiwania |
Xin, Zi-Bing |
A new species of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from Danxia landform in Jiangxi, China
2020 |
Taiwania |
Xu, Mei-Zhen |
Rhynchotechum parviflorum Blume (Gesneriaceae): a new record to mainland India
2020 |
Journal of Threatened Taxa |
Taram, Momang |
Boeica arunachalensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Indian Eastern Himalaya and typification of five names in Boeica
2020 |
Indian Forester |
Borah, Dipankar |
Boeica multinervia K.Y. Pan (Gesneriaceae): a new record for India
2020 |
Check List |
Taram, Momang |
Genetic differentiation between two varieties of Oreocharis benthamii (Gesneriaceae) in sympatric and allopatric regions
2020 |
Ecology and Evolution |
Fu, Qiong |
Cyrtandra argentii, a new species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) from the Philippines, and a review of the C. villosissima group
2020 |
European Journal of Taxonomy |
Olivar, Jay Edneil C. |
Lysionotus gamosepalus var. gamosepalus (Gesneriaceae)—A New Record for the Flora of India
2020 |
Journal of Japanese Botany |
Taram, Momang |
Didymocarpus albiflorus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Vientiane capital, Lao PDR
2020 |
Taiwania |
Souvannakhoummane, Keooudone |
Revision of Cyrtandra tempestii (Gesneriaceae) and the description of Cyrtandra tuiwawai from Taveuni, Fiji
2020 |
Phytotaxa |
Johnson, Melissa A. |
Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Corallodiscus flabellatus (Gesneriaceae), a medicinal plant in southwest of China
2020 |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B Resources |
Zhao, Fei-ya |
Analgesic, Antidiarrhoeal and Antimicrobial Activities of Rhynchotechum ellipticum (Gesneriaceae) Stem and Leaf Extracts
2020 |
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research |
Azad, A. K. |
The First Glimpse of Streptocarpus ionanthus (Gesneriaceae) Phylogenomics: Analysis of Five Subspecies’ Chloroplast Genomes
2020 |
Plants |
Kyalo, Cornelius M. |
Rediscovery of four narrow endemic Didymocarpus species (Gesneriaceae) from Mizoram, India, with revised species descriptions and lectotypifications
2020 |
Phytokeys |
Prasanna, Naibi Shrungeshwara |
A taxonomic revision of Henckelia (Gesneriaceae) in South India with a new species, one new combination and seven lectotypifications
2020 |
Rheedea |
Janeesha, A. P. |
Primula subansirica G.D. Pal is not a Primula (Primulaceae), but rather belongs to Gesneriaceae
2020 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Xu, Yuan |
A new species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) from Aceh, Sumatra
2020 |
Rheedea |
Smith, P. E. |
Quantification of petal patterns and colours of genus Sinningia (GESNERIACEAE)
2020 |
Biosystems Engineering |
Hung, Tzu-Ting |
A molecular phylogeny of Southeast Asian Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) supports an emerging paradigm for Malesian plant biogeography
2020 |
Frontiers of Biogeography |
Atkins, Hannah J. |
Co-expression clustering across flower development identifies modules for diverse floral forms in Achimenes (Gesneriaceae)
2020 |
PeerJ |
Roberts, Wade R. |
Population structure of Gesneria ferruginea (Gesneriaceae) in the stream Las Vueltas, Sierra de Cajalbana, Pinar del Rio, Cuba
2020 |
Revista del Jardin Botanico Nacional |
Lemus-Barrios, Hany |
New circumscription and segregation of Gloxinia major (Gesneriaceae, Gesnerieae, Gloxiniinae) an endemic species from Bolivia
2020 |
Phytotaxa |
Lizarazu, Mabel A. |
Hemiboea yongfuensis (Gesneriaceae): a cryptic and critically endangered new species from North Guangxi, China
2020 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Huang, Zhang-Ping |
Multiple Pleistocene refugia and recent diversification for Streptocarpus ionanthus (Gesneriaceae) complex: Insights from multiple molecular sources
2020 |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
Kyalo, Cornelius M. |
Beccarinda tonkinensis (Gesneriaceae), a new record for India and its IUCN Red List status in India
2020 |
Wulfenia |
Gammi, Lemmem |
The Caribbean Gesneriaceae: an update on the classification of Gesneria and Rhytidophyllum
2020 |
Gesneriads |
Clark, John L. |
Identification and in silico analysis of PHANTASTICA gene in Saintpaulia ionantha H. Wendl (Gesneriaceae)
2020 |
Turkish Journal of Botany |
Kazemian, Mina |
Hormonal crosstalk in the regulation of meristem activity and the phyllomorph architecture in Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae): a review
2020 |
Rheedea |
Nishii, K. |
Didymocarpus bhutanicus W.T. Wang (Gesneriaceae): a new addition to the herbs of India
2020 |
Journal of Threatened Taxa |
Lahiri, Subhajit |
Two new species of Petrocosmea (Gesneriaceae) from Yunnan, China
2020 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Jiang, Hong |
Pollen morphology of Ligeriinae Hanst. (Gesneriaceae): Diagnostic features and their systematic importance
2020 |
Review of Paleobotany and Palynology |
Gasparino, Eduardo Custodio |
Rediscovery of Aeschynanthus monetaria (Gesneriaceae) in Southeast Tibet, China after more than 100 years
2020 |
Phytotaxa |
Hu, Jun |
Chemical Basis of Floral Color Signals in Gesneriaceae: The Effect of Alternative Anthocyanin Pathways
2020 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
Ogutcen, Ezgl |
Plants without borders: new records of two presumed Thai endemic Gesneriaceae in Laos
2020 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Pamyadee, P. |
Lysionotus coccinus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from southwestern Yunnan, China
2020 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Tian, Jing |
Didymocarpus longicalyx (Gesneriaceae), a new species from southwestern Yunnan, China
2020 |
Phytotaxa |
Zhang, Cai-Fei |
Lectotypification of three names in Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae)
2020 |
Rheedea |
Akhil, M. K. |
A new species of Lysionotus (Gesneriaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India
2020 |
Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity |
Akhil, Mannar Kandy |
QTL dissection of floral traits in Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae)
2020 |
Euphytica |
Chen, Yun-Yu |
The Complete Chloroplast Genome of the Vulnerable Oreocharis esquirolii (Gesneriaceae): Structural Features, Comparative and Phylogenetic Analysis
2020 |
Plants |
Gu, Li |
Henckelia umbellata (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the eastern Himalaya of India
2020 |
Rheedea |
Kanthraj, A. S. |
Virus‑induced Gene Silencing in Streptocarpus rexii (Gesneriaceae)
2020 |
Molecular Biotechnology |
Nishii, Kanae |
Biogeography and Conservation of Gesneriaceae in the Serra da Mantiqueira, Southeastern Region of Brazil
2020 |
Brazilian Journal of Botany |
Pereira, Luciana Carvalho |
Primulina elegans (Gesneriaceae), a new species from North Vietnam
2020 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Tong, Yi-Hua |
Una aproximación a la diversidad de Gesneriaceae en el Perú
2020 |
Revista Xilema |
Rojas Gonzales, Rocio Del P. |
Henckelia collegii-sancti-thomasii (Gesneriaceae), a new synonym of narrow endemic species H. hookeri of Northeast India
2020 |
NeBio |
Singh, Rajeev Kumar Singh |
Typification of Sri Lankan Gesneriaceae
2019 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Ranasinghe, S. |
A Revision of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae)
2019 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Xu, Zhaoran |
Pollination ecology of the Neotropical gesneriad Gloxinia perennis: chemical composition and temporal fluctuation of floral perfume
2019 |
Plant Biology |
Martel, C. |
The Family Placement of Cyrtandromoea
2019 |
Systematic Botany |
Luna, Javier A. |
Drymonia croatii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the Pacific slopes of the Colombian Andes
2019 |
Brittonia |
Clavijo, Laura |
The Living Collection at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Illustrates the Floral Diversity in Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae)
2019 |
Sibbaldia |
Möller, Michael |
Gene duplication and relaxation from selective constraints of GCYC genes correlated with various floral symmetry patterns in Asiatic Gesneriaceae tribe Trichosporeae
2019 |
Hsin, Kuan-Ting |
Extensive phenotypic diversity in the cultivated Florist’s Gloxinia, Sinningia speciosa (Lodd.) Hiern, is derived from the domestication of a single founder population
2019 |
Plants People Planet |
Hasing, Tom |
Three new species of Sinningia (Gesneriaceae) endemic to Espírito Santo, Brazil
2019 |
Candollea |
Chautems, Alain |
Notes on Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) from Japan, Taiwan and Batan Island (Philippines)
2019 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Nishii, K. |
Senyumia granitica (Gesneriaceae) from Johor, Malaysia, the second species of Senyumia
2019 |
PhytoKeys |
Kiew, Ruth |
A New Species and Two New Records of Besleria (Gesneriaceae) from Brazil
2019 |
Systematic Botany |
Ferreira, Gabriel E. |
Primulina anisocymosa (Gesneriaceae), a new species with a unique inflorescence structure from Guangdong, China
2019 |
PeerJ |
Hong, Xin |
Drymonia droseroides (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from the Pacific Andean Forests of Colombia
2019 |
Selbyana |
Clavijo, Laura |
Phylogenetic relationships of Cyrtandromoea and Wightia revisited: A new tribe in Phrymaceae and a new family in Lamiales
2019 |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
Liu, Bing |
Trace fossils mistaken as plants: the nomenclatural status of Tetraphyllum (Gesneriaceae)
2019 |
Phytotaxa |
Bertling, Markus |
Diversification of Hawaiian Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) under the influence of incomplete lineage sorting and hybridization
2019 |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
Kleinkopf, Joseph A. |
Molecular systematics of Chiritopsis‑like Primulina (Gesneriaceae): one new species, one new name, two new combinations, and new synonyms
2019 |
Botanical Studies |
Xu, Wei-Bin |
The Updated Plant List of Gesneriaceae in China under the New Chinese Naming Rules
2019 |
Guangxi Sciences |
Wen, Fang |
Preliminary Study on the Selecting/Formulating Rules of Chinese Names of Chinese Gesneriaceae
2019 |
Guangxi Sciences |
Hong, Xin |
Extensive phenotypic diversity in the cultivated Florist’s Gloxinia, Sinningia speciosa (Lodd.) Hiern, is derived from the domestication of a single founder population
2019 |
Plants People Planet |
Hasing, Tomas |
Four new species of Gesneriaceae from Yunnan, Southwest China
2019 |
PhytoKeys |
Yang, Bing |
Oreocharis tetrapterus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from East Guangxi, China
2019 |
PhytoKeys |
Pan, Bo |
Codonoboea (Gesneriaceae) in Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia, including three new species
2019 |
PhytoKeys |
Kiew, Ruth |
Oreocharis odontopetala, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guizhou, China
2019 |
PhytoKeys |
Fu, Qiong |
Primulina serrulata (Gesneriaceae), a new species from southeastern Guizhou, China
2019 |
PhytoKeys |
Zhang, Ren-Bo |
Oreocharis rubrostriata (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China
2019 |
Kew Bulletin |
Yang, Li-E |
Oreocharis ovatilobata (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guizhou, China
2019 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Fu, Qiong |
Oreocharis panzhouensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from karst regions in Guizhou, China
2019 |
Phytotaxa |
Cai, Lei |
Two new species of Henckelia (Gesneriaceae) from Southeastern Yunnan, China
2019 |
PhytoKeys |
Cai, Lei |
Henckelia collegii-sancti-thomasii: a new species of Henckelia (Gesneriaceae) from Northeastern India
2019 |
Phytotaxa |
Borah, Dipankar |
Primulina zixingensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Hunan, China
2019 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Pan, Bo |
Diversity and evolution of mirror-image flowers in Gesneriaceae
2019 |
Guihaia |
Lu, Tao |
Petrocodon jiangxiensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Jiangxi, China
2019 |
Annales Botanici Fenici |
Su, Lan-Ying |
Influence of volume container in the production of rhizomes in Seemannia (Gesneriaceae)
2019 |
Ornamental Horticulture |
Bologna, Paula |
Hemiboea thanhhoensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from northern Vietnam
2019 |
Phytotaxa |
Nguyen, Cuong Huu |
Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Petrocodon jingxiensis (Gesneriaceae)
2019 |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B Resources |
Xin, Zi-Bing |
Reversal versus specialization in floral morphological evolution in Petrocosmea (Gesneriaceae
2019 |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
Li, Chao-Qun |
A new species of Diastema (Gesneriaceae) from the eastern Andean slopes of Peru
2019 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Clark, J. L. |
Five new species of Henckelia (Gesneriaceae) from Myanmar and Thailand
2019 |
Thai Forest Bulletin |
Sirimongkol, Sukontip |
Lysionotus chatungii – a new species of Gesneriaceae from Arunachal Pradesh in North-Eastern India
2019 |
Pleione |
Taram, Momang |
Petrocodon tenuitubus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Southeast Yunnan, China
2019 |
Guihaia |
Chen, Li |
A new species of Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae) from Vietnam
2019 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Middleton, D. J. |
Phytochemical investigation, cytotoxic and thrombolytic activity of acetone extracts of Rhyncotechum ellipticum (Gesneriaceae)
2019 |
Pharmacology Online |
Faysal, Md. |
Effective pollination of Aeschynanthus acuminatus (Gesneriaceae) by generalist passerines, in sunbird-absent East Asia
2019 |
Scientific Reports (Nature Research) |
Chen, Kai-Hsiu |
Complete plastid genome of the endangered species Paraisometrum mileense (Gesneriaceae) endemic to China
2019 |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B Resources |
Meng, Jing |
Common and Specific Mechanisms of Desiccation Tolerance in Two Gesneriaceae Resurrection Plants. Multiomics Evidences
2019 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
Liu, Jie |
Five new species of the genus Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from Limestone Areas of Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region, China
2019 |
PhytoKeys |
Li, Shu |
Boeica konchurangensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Gia Lai plateau, Vietnam
2019 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Quang, Bui Hong |
Extended Distribution of the Vulnerable Cooper’s Stone Flower Corallodiscus cooperi (Gesneriaceae) in India
2019 |
Journal of Threatened Taxa |
Kumar, Vikas |
Billolivia thongii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Central Highlands, Vietnam
2019 |
Webbia |
Hareesh, Vadakkoot Sankaran |
Replacement names for Cyrtandra humilis Elmer and Cyrtandra umbellata Kraenzl., two endemic Philippine species (Gesneriaceae)
2019 |
Phytotaxa |
Olivar, Jay Edneil C. |
Primulina sichuanensis var. pinnatipartita (Gesneriaceae), a remarkable new variety from Chongqing, China
2019 |
Phytotaxa |
Kong, Hang-Hui |
Pollination Biology of Hemiboea ovalifolia (Gesneriaceae), an Endangered Herb from Guangxi, China
2019 |
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies |
Pu, Gaozhong |
Evolution of the Caribbean Species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) with an Emphasis on the Jamaican Species
2019 |
International Journal of Plant Science |
Smith, James F. |
Petrocodon longitubus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guizhou, China
2019 |
Phytotaxa |
Li, Cong-Rui |
Oreocharis maximowiczii var. mollis (Gesneriaceae), a new variety from Fujian, China
2019 |
Phytotaxa |
Ran, Yi |
Petrocosmea weiyigangii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from a limestone cave in southern China
2019 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Wen, F. |
Hemiboea albiflora, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guizhou, China
2019 |
Phytokeys |
Wu, Zhaowen |
A New Species of Alsobia (Gesneriaceae) from Belize, with a Synopsis of the Genus
2018 |
Novon |
Barrie, Fred R. |
Genetic architecture of quantitative flower and leaf traits in a pair of sympatric sister species of Primulina
2018 |
Heredity |
Feng, Chen |
Rachunia cymbiformis, a new genus and species of Gesneriaceae from Thailand
2018 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Middleton, D. J. |
Breeding system and pollination of Gesneria pauciflora (Gesneriaceae), a threatened Caribbean species
2018 |
Flora |
Perez, Mervin E. |
Microchirita hairulii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Perlis, Peninsular Malaysia
2018 |
PhytoKeys |
Rahman, Rafidah Abdul |
Oreocharis ovata (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangdong, China
2018 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Yang, Li-Hua |
In vitro preservation and micropropagation of Oreocharis mileense (W.T. Wang) M. Möller & A. Weber (Gesneriaceae) through shoot organogenesis
2018 |
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant |
Wang, Dandan |
Pollen morphology in Brazilian species of Gloxiniinae (Gesneriaceae): variation in apertures and pattern of ornamentation
2018 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
de Souza, Cintia N. |
Phylogenomic analyses reveal extensive gene flow within the magic flowers (Achimenes)
2018 |
American Journal of Botany |
Roberts, Wade R. |
Streptocarpus peltatus (Gesneriaceae), a Distinctive New Species from Southeastern Madagascar
2018 |
Novon |
Randrianasolo, Armand |
Low genetic diversity in small leading edge populations of the European paleoendemic Ramonda serbica (Gesneriaceae) in Bulgaria
2018 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Petrova, Galya |
A New Combination in Microchirita (Gesneriaceae) from India
2018 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Middleton, D. J. |
Description and notes on natural history of a new species of Parosus Sharp, 1887 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae) living in floral bracts of Columnea medicinalis>/em> L. (Gesneriaceae)
2018 |
Zootaxa |
Lopez-Garcia, Margarita M. |
Hemiboea suiyangensis (Gesneriaceae): a new species from Guizhou, China
2018 |
PhytoKeys |
Li, Shuwan |
A new species of Henckelia (Gesneriaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India
2018 |
Taiwania |
Krishna, Gopal |
Quantifying colour and spot characteristics for the ventral petals in Sinningia speciosa
2018 |
Biosystems Engineering |
Hsu, Hao-Chun |
Didymocarpus puhoatensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Vietnam
2018 |
PhytoKeys |
Hong, Xin |
The genera Besleria, Codonanthe, Gloxinia, Napeanthus, Nematanthus and Seemannia (Gesneriaceae) in the state of Paraná
2018 |
Rodriguesia |
Hinoshita, Lucas Katsumi Rocha |
Paradrymonia badia (Gesneriaceae), A New Species from the Guiana Shield
2018 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Feuillet, Christian |
A first genetic map in the genus Streptocarpus generated with RAD sequencing based SNP markers
2018 |
South African Journal of Botany |
Chen, Y.-Y. |
Two new species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) from Fan Si Pan, the highest mountain in Vietnam
2018 |
PhytoKeys |
Chen, Wen Hong |
A new species of Lysionotus (Gesneriaceae) from Northeastern India
2018 |
Taiwania |
Borah, Dipankar |
Primulina zhoui and P. Huangii (Gesneriaceae), two new species from limestone areas in Guangxi, China
2018 |
Taiwania |
Xin, Zi-Bing |
Petrocodon asterocalyx, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China
2018 |
Phytotaxa |
Zhang, Rui-Li |
Functional diversity mediates macroecological variation in plant–hummingbird interaction networks
2018 |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
Maruyama, Pietro Kiyoshi (and many others) |
Flora of the canga of the Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brazil: Gesneriaceae
2018 |
Rodriguesia |
Chautems, Alain |
Petrocosmea chrysotricha sp. nov. (Petrocosmea, Gesneriaceae), a species previously mistaken for P. begoniifolia on marlstone cliffs in Yunnan, China
2018 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Han, Meng-Qi |
Primulina malipoensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Sino-Vietnamese border area
2018 |
PhytoKeys |
Yang, Li-Hua |
Petrocosmea viridis sp. nov. of Petrocosmea (Gesneriaceae) from Guizhou, China and a supplementary and revised description of P. minor
2018 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Han, Meng-Qi |
Primulina yandongensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from southwestern Guangxi, China
2018 |
Taiwania |
Qin, Ying |
Paraboea wenshanensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Yunnan, China
2018 |
PhytoKeys |
He, De-Ming |
Kinematical, Structural and Mechanical Adaptations to Desiccation in Poikilohydric Ramonda myconi (Gesneriaceae)
2018 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
Kampowski, Tim |
Two New Species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) from Northern Vietnam
2018 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Möller, M. |
Eleven new species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia
2018 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Kartonegoro, A. |
Two new species of Billolivia (Gesneriaceae) with yellow flowers from Vietnam
2018 |
Phytotaxa |
Luu, Hong Truong |
Two new species of Billolivia (Gesneriaceae) from the Langbiang Plateau, Vietnam
2018 |
Phytotaxa |
Luu, Hong Trong |
Codonoboea kjellbergii (Gesneriaceae) in Buru Island, Maluku: A New Genus Record for the Island
2018 |
Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation |
Mustaqim, Wendy Achmmad |
Molecular phylogeography of East Asian Boea clarkeana (Gesneriaceae) in relation to habitat restriction
2018 |
PLOS One |
Wang, Ying |
Two new species of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from limestone karsts of China
2018 |
PeerJ |
Hong, Xin |
Two New Species of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae) from Vietnam
2018 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Middleton, D. J. |
Chemical constituents from Paliavana tenuiflora Mansf. (Gesneriaceae)
2018 |
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology |
Sales, Kaio |
Oreocharis duyunensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guizhou, China
2018 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Guo, Z.-Y. |
Taxonomic Studies of Petrocosmea (Gesneriaceae) in China
2018 |
Masters Thesis, Guangxi Normal University |
Han, Meng-Qi |
Livro Vermelho da Flora Endemica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
2018 |
Livro Vermelho da Flora Endemica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro |
Araujo, Andrea |
Description and phylogenetic position of a new species of Nematanthus (Gesneriaceae) from Bahia, Brazil
2017 |
Candollea |
Chautems, Alain |
Two New Taxa of Ornithoboea (Gesneriaceae) from Thailand
2017 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Middleton, D. J. |
Molecular Species Delimitation, Taxonomy and Biogeography of Sri Lankan Gesneriaceae
2017 |
University of Edinburgh (Thesis) |
Ranasinghe, Subhani Wathsala |
Resolving incongruence: Species of hybrid origin in Columnea (Gesneriaceae)
2017 |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
Smith, James F. |
A revision of Dorcoceras (Gesneriaceae) in Thailand
2017 |
Thai Forest Bulletin, Botany |
Puglisi, Carmen |
A revision of Middletonia (Gesneriaceae) in Thailand
2017 |
Thai Forest Bulletin, Botany |
Puglisi, Carmen |
Nuclear DNA C-values are correlated with pollen size at tetraploid but not diploid level and linked to phylogenetic descent in Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae)
2017 |
South African Journal of Botany |
Möller, M. |
Secondary contact, hybridization and polyploidization add to the biodiversity in the Hengduan Mountains, exemplified by the widespread Corallodiscus lanuginosus (Gesneriaceae)
2017 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Zhou, Ping |
Ridleyandra merohmerea (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia
2017 |
PhytoKeys |
Yunoh, Siti-Munirah Mat |
Primulina curvituba sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone area in Guangxi, China
2017 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Yang, Li-Hua |
Oreocharis uniflora, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangdong, China
2017 |
Phytotaxa |
Yang, Li-Hua |
Primulina dichroantha (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from a Karst Cave from Guangxi, China
2017 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Wu, Hao-Tian |
Transcriptomic Resources for an Endemic Neotropical Plant Lineage (Gesneriaceae)
2017 |
Applications in Plant Sciences |
Serrano-Serrano, Martha L. |
Hummingbird pollination and the diversification of angiosperms: an old and successful association in Gesneriaceae
2017 |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B |
Serrano-Serrano, Martha Liliana |
Revision of the subtribe Loxotidinae (Gesneriaceae) of Indian part of Eastern Himalaya.
2017 |
Paripex - Indian Journal of Research |
Roy, Susmita |
Comparative transcriptome analyses of flower development in four species of Achimenes (Gesneriaceae)
2017 |
BMC Genomics |
Roberts, Wade R. |
Anatomical specificities of two paleoendemic flowering desiccation tolerant species of the genus Ramonda (Gesneriaceae)
2017 |
Flora |
Rakic, Tamara |
Taxonomy and conservation status of Microchirita (Gesneriaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia
2017 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Rafidah, A. R. |
Rapid color guide – Gesneriaceae of the Rio Anchicayá basin (Valle del Cauca, Colombia)
2017 |
Project: Systematics and biogeographic history of Besleria L. (Gesneriaceae) |
Perret, Mathieu |
Oreocharis caobangensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Cao Bang Province, northern Vietnam
2017 |
Phytotaxa |
Do, Truong Van |
Anti-inflammatory uation and acute toxicity of three food supplements that contain Moussonia deppeana
2017 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine |
Gutierrez-Rebolledo, Alfonso |
The Gesneriaceae of India: Consequences of updated generic concepts and new family classification
2017 |
Rheedea |
Möller, Michael |
Both temperature fluctuations and East Asian monsoons have driven plant diversification in the karst ecosystems from southern China
2017 |
Molecular Ecology |
Kong, Hanghui |
The correct lectotypification of Championia multiflora (Gesneriaceae)
2017 |
Phytotaxa |
Krishna, Gopal |
Greater pollination generalization is not associated with reduced constraints on corolla shape in Antillean plants
2017 |
Evolution |
Joly, Simon |
Four new species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) from the South Pacific islands of Fiji
2017 |
PhytoKeys |
Johnson, Melissa A. |
Chloroplast Genome Analysis of Resurrection Tertiary Relict Haberlea rhodopensis Highlights Genes Important for Desiccation Stress Response
2017 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
Ivanova, Zdravka |
Association between Petal Form Variation and CYC2-like Genotype in a Hybrid Line of Sinningia speciosa
2017 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
Hsu, Hao-Chun |
Oreocharis purpurata, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Hunan, China
2017 |
Phytotaxa |
Han, Meng-Qi |
A new species of Besleria (Gesneriaceae) from the western Amazon rainforest
2017 |
Brittonia |
Ferreira, Gabriel Emiliano |
Tetraphylloides, a new replacement name for Tetraphyllum C.B.Clarke (Gesneriaceae) non Tetraphyllum Hosius & von der Marck (fossil Magnoliophyta)
2017 |
Phytotaxa |
Doweld, Alexander B. |
Two new species of Besleria (Gesneriaceae) from the department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia
2017 |
Phytotaxa |
Cortes-Ceballos, Olga Lorena |
Cremospermopsis galaxias (Gesneriaceae), a new species from northwestern Colombia
2017 |
Phytotaxa |
Clark, John Littner |
Oreocharis crispata, a new species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China
2017 |
Phytotaxa |
Chen, Run-Zheng |
Two new species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) from Northwest Vietnam
2017 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Chen, W. H. |
Petrocodon urceolatus sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Zhangjiajie city, northwestern Hunan Province, China
2017 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Cen, Hua-Fei |
Bioclimatic niches are conserved and unrelated to pollination syndromes in Antillean Gesneriaceae
2017 |
Royal Society Open Science |
Alexandre, Hermine |
From shoot to leaf: step-wise shifts in meristem and KNOX1 activity correlate with the evolution of a unifoliate body plan in Gesneriaceae
2017 |
Development Genes and Evolution |
Nishii, Kanae |
Range of morphological variations of the genus Corallodiscus Batalin (Gesneriaceae) from Indian part of Eastern Himalaya
2017 |
Bioscience Discovery |
Roy, Susmita |
The family Gesneriaceae in the Biological Reserve Augusto Ruschi, Santa Teresa, ES, Brazil
2017 |
Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitao |
Rossini, Josiene |
A revision of Damrongia (Gesneriaceae) in Thailand
2017 |
Thai Forest Bulletin |
Puglisi, Carmen |
A revision of Microchirita (Gesneriaceae) in Thailand
2017 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Puglisi, C. |
Primulina wenii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from China
2017 |
Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy |
Li, Jian |
Diversity and Distribution of Gesneriaceae in China
2017 |
Guihaia |
Xu, Wei-Bin |
A new species of Billolivia (Gesneriaceae) from Central Vietnam
2017 |
Phytotaxa |
Ly, Ngoc-Sam |
Primulina wuae (Gesneriaceae), a new species from southern China
2017 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Li, S. |
Gesneriaceae on Hainan Island: distribution patterns and phylogenetic relationships
2017 |
Biodiversity Science |
Ling, Shaojun |
Primulina lutescens sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from southern Guangxi, China
2017 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Ma, Hu-Sheng |
Floral evolutionary trend of Petrocodon (Gesneriaceae) and its significance in classification
2017 |
Guihaia |
Lu, Yong-Bin |
Loxostigma hekouensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Yunnan Province, China
2017 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Cai, Lei |
Petrocodon pulchriflorus sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China
2017 |
Phytotaxa |
Lu, Yong-Bin |
A Revision of Boea
2017 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Puglisi, C. |
A new taxon of Lysionotus (Gesneriaceae) from Northeastern India
2017 |
Taiwania |
Joe, Alfred |
Species delimitation in the Caribbean Gesneria viridiflora complex (Gesneriaceae) reveals unsuspected endemism
2017 |
Taxon |
Lambert, Francois |
Petrocosmea magnifica (Gesneriaceae): a new species from limestone caves in Yunnan, China
2017 |
Phytotaxa |
Han, Meng-Qi |
Hemiboea pterocaulis comb. et stat. nov. (Gesneriaceae), a new critically endangered species segregated from H. subcapitata
2017 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Huang, Jie |
Taxonomic Revision and Phylogenetic Position of the Brazilian Endemic Genus Sphaerorrhiza (Sphaerorrhizinae, Gesneriaceae) Including Two New Species
2016 |
Systematic Botany |
de Araujo, Andrea Onofre |
A revision of Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae) in Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia
2016 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Middleton, David John |
An expansion of the genus Deinostigma (Gesneriaceae)
2016 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Möller, Michael |
Molecular Phylogeny of the Neotropical Genus Paradrymonia (Gesneriaceae), Reexamination of Generic Concepts and the Resurrection of Trichodrymonia and Centrosolenia
2016 |
Systematic Botany |
Mora, M. Marcela |
Henckelia wijesundarae (Gesneriaceae), a new endemic species from Sri Lanka, and lectotypifcation of Chirita walkerae and C. walkerae var. parvifora
2016 |
Willdenowia |
Ranasinghe, Subhani |
Primulina maciejewskii sp. nov.
2016 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Zhang, Rui-Li |
Boeica ornithocephalantha (Gesneriaceae), a new species from northern Vietnam
2016 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Wen, F. |
Distinct Processes Drive Diversification in Different Clades of Gesneriaceae
2016 |
Systematic Biology |
Roalson, Eric H. |
Somatic embryogenesis and enhanced shoot organogenesis in Metabriggsia ovalifolia W. T. Wang
2016 |
Nature Scientific Reports |
Ouyang, Yao |
Primulina melanofilamenta sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China
2016 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Liu, Ying |
Floral Variation, Nectar Production, and Reproductive Success of Two Drymonia (Gesneriaceae) Species with Mixed Pollination Syndromes
2016 |
International Journal of Plant Science |
Ramirez-Aguirre, E. |
Four new species of Microchirita (Gesneriaceae) from Thailand
2016 |
Kew Bulletin |
Puglisi, Carmen |
Generic recircumscription in the Loxocarpinae (Gesneriaceae), as inferred by phylogenetic and morphological data
2016 |
Taxon |
Puglisi, Carmen |
Generic recircumscription in the Loxocarpinae (Gesneriaceae), as inferred by phylogenetic and morphological data (Electronic Supplement)
2016 |
Taxon |
Puglisi, Carmen |
You win some you lose some: updated generic delineations and classification of Gesneriaceae-implications for the family in China
2016 |
Guihaia |
Möller, Michael |
Anti-inflammatory and toxicological uation of Moussonia deppeana (Schldl. & Cham) Hanst and Verbascoside as a main active metabolite
2016 |
Journal of Ethnopharmacology |
Gutierrez-Rebolledo, Gabriel Alfonso |
Petrocodon retroflexus sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a karst cave in Guizhou, China
2016 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Guo, Jing |
Subtropical species of Sinningia (Gesneriaceae): Distribution patterns and limiting environmental factors
2016 |
Flora |
Ferreira, Emiliano |
Three new species of Besleria (Gesneriaceae) from the southeastern Brazilian Atlantic rainforest
2016 |
Phytotaxa |
Ferreira, Gabriel E. |
Independent evolution of pouched flowers in the Amazon is supported by the discovery of a new species of Lesia (Gesneriaceae) from Serra do Aracá tepui in Brazil
2016 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Ferreira, Gabriel E. |
Oreocharis ninglangensis, a showy new species of Gesneriaceae from northwestern Yunnan in China
2016 |
Phytotaxa |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Flower Colors and Their Anthocyanins in Saintpaulia Cultivars (Gesneriaceae)
2016 |
The Horticultural Journal |
Tatsuzawa, Fumi |
Primulina rubella sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone area in Guangdong, China
2016 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Yang, Li-Hua |
Molecular Mechanisms Preventing Senescence in Response to Prolonged Darkness in a Desiccation-Tolerant Plant
2016 |
Plant Physiology |
Durgud, Meriem |
Lectotypification of three names in the genus Henckelia Spreng. (Gesneriaceae)
2016 |
Phytotaxa |
Janeesha, A. P. |
Didymocarpus moellerii (Gesneriaceae): a new species from northeastern India
2016 |
Phytotaxa |
Joe, Alfred |
Billolivia cadamensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Central Vietnam
2016 |
TAP CHI SINH HOC (now Academia Journal of Biology) |
Nguyen, Quoc Dat |
Primulina gigantea (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China
2016 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Luo, Wen-Hua |
Primulina linearicalyx (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China
2016 |
Phytotaxa |
Wen, Fang |
Didymocarpus anningensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China
2016 |
Phytotaxa |
Cai, Lei |
Lectotypification of Three Aeschynanthus Species (Gesneriaceae) in India
2016 |
Journal of Japanese Botany |
Datta, Sudeshna |
Streptocarpus redefined to include all Afro-Malagasy Gesneriaceae
2015 |
Taxon |
Nishii, Kanae |
Taxonomy of Sinningia Nees (Gesneriaceae) in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil
2015 |
Acta Botanica Brasilica |
Ferreira, Gabriel Emiliano |
Three new species of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from limestone karsts of China based on morphological and molecular evidence
2015 |
Botanical Studies |
Guo, Jing |
Chayamaritia (Gesneriaceae: Didymocarpoideae), a new genus from Southeast Asia
2015 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Middleton, David J. |
Proposal to conserve the name Chirita hamosa (Microchirita hamosa) (Gesneriaceae) with a conserved type
2015 |
Taxon |
Middleton, David J. |
Species of Hybrid Origin in Columnea (Gesneriaceae)
2015 |
Conference Paper - Botany 2015 |
Smith, James F. |
Oreocharis pilosopetiolata, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southeastern Guangdong, China
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Yang, Li-Hua |
Drymonia Squamosa (Gesneriaceae), a New Species From Las Orquideas National Natural Park (Antioquia, Colombia)
2015 |
Caldasia |
Clavijo, Laura |
Primulina moi sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone area in northern Guangdong, China
2015 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Zhou, Shou-Biao |
Didissandra chishuiense, a New Species in Gesneriaceae from Guizhou, China
2015 |
Novon |
Zhang, Ren-Bo |
Petrocodon hunanensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species identified by both morphological and molecular evidence from limestone area in Hunan, China
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Yu, Xun-Lin |
Distinct Regulatory Changes Underlying Differential Expression of TEOSINTE BRANCHED1-CYCLOIDEAPROLIFERATING CELL FACTOR Genes Associated with Petal Variations in Zygomorphic Flowers of Petrocosmea spp. of the Family Gesneriaceae
2015 |
Plant Physiology |
Yang, Xia |
Glabrella leiophylla (Gesneriaceae), a new combination for a former Briggsia species from Guizhou, China
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Wen, Fang |
Briggsia leiophylla, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southern Guizhou, China
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Wen, Fang |
Oreocharis tsaii, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southern Yunnan, China
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Tan, Yu-Hong |
NOVAE GESNERIACEAE NEOTROPICARUM XIX: A third, new species of the elusive Anetanthus found in Guyana
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Skog, Laurence E. |
A new species of Sinningia (Gesneriaceae) and additional floristic data from Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brazil
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
de Araujo, Andrea Onofre |
Decoupled evolution of floral traits and climatic preferences in a clade of Neotropical Gesneriaceae
2015 |
BMC Evolutionary Biology |
Serrano-Serrano, Martha Lilliana |
Speciation within Columnea section Angustiflora (Gesneriaceae): Islands, pollinators and climate
2015 |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
Schulte, Lacie J. |
Nautilocalyx Rugosus (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from the Rio Cenepa Watershed (Amazonas, Peru)
2015 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Rojas G., Rocio del P. |
Origin and evolution of Petrocosmea (Gesneriaceae) inferred from both DNA sequence and novel findings in morphology with a test of morphology-based hypotheses
2015 |
BMC Plant Biology |
Qiu, Zhi-Jing |
Petrocosmea glabristoma (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Yunnan, China
2015 |
Plant Diversity and Resources |
Qiu, Zhi-jing |
A new species of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae) from Thailand
2015 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Puglisi, C. |
Primulina beiliuensis var. fimbribracteata (Gesneriaceae), a New Variety in A Limestone Cave from Northern Guangdong, China
2015 |
Taiwania |
Lai, Bi-Dan |
Primulina fengkaiensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from limestone areas in Western Guangdong, China
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Ning, Zu-Lin |
Transfer of Tremacron hongheense to Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae)
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Möller, Michael |
A comparison of reproductive strategies between island and mainland Caribbean Gesneriaceae
2015 |
Journal of Ecology |
Marten-Rodriguez, Silvana |
The Gesneriads of Quindío Departament, Colombia
2015 |
Acta Biologica Colombiana |
Marin-Gomez, Oscar Humberto |
Diversity, population density and spatial distribution of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) in the Río Ñambí natural reserve, Nariño, Colombia
2015 |
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales |
Marin-Gomez, Oscar Humberto |
Oreocharis brachypodus (Gesneriaceae), a new taxon from Guizhou, China
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Li, Jia-Mei |
Petrocodon confertiflorus (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Guangdong, China
2015 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Li, Hui-Qin |
Postzygotic barriers isolate sympatric species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) in Hawaiian montane forest understories
2015 |
American Journal of Botany |
Johnson, Melissa A. |
Drymonia betancurii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from northwestern Colombia
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Clavijo, Laura |
Raphiocarpus jinpingensis, a New Species of Gesneriaceae in Yunnan, China
2015 |
Plant Diversity and Resources |
Chen, Wen-hong |
Primulina hunanensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone area in southern Hunan, China
2015 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Cai, Xiu-Zhen |
Tremacron hongheense, a New Species of Gesneriaceae from Southeastern Yunnan, China
2015 |
Plant Diversity and Resources |
Cai, Lei |
A revision of Epithema (Gesneriaceae)
2015 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Bransgrove, K. |
Besleria macropoda (Gesneriaceae): lectotypification, distribution, functional epiphylly and discordant fruit morphology of a rare Costa Rican endemic
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Berger, Andreas |
Columnea longipedicellata, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Colombia
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Amaya-Marquez, Marisol |
Two New Species and Two New Varieties of Columnea (Gesneriaceae)
2015 |
Caldasia |
Amaya-Marquez, Marisol |
Genetic architecture of pollination syndrome transition between hummingbird-specialist and generalist species in the genus Rhytidophyllum (Gesneriaceae)
2015 |
PeerJ |
Alexandre, Hermine |
A new species of Sinningia Nees (Gesneriaceae) from Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro states, Brazil
2015 |
Candollea |
Chautems, Alain |
A new species of Billolivia (Gesneriaceae) from Vietnam
2015 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Middleton, D. J. |
Three new species of Loxocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from Sarawak, Borneo
2015 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Yao, T. L. |
Oreocharis synergia, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Northwestern Yunnan, China
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Reldia longipedunculata (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the Mache-Chindul Mountains of Northwestern Ecuador and an updated checklist of Reldia for the Neotropics
2015 |
Brittonia |
Clark, John L. |
A new species of Gyrocheilos (Gesneriaceae) from Vietnam
2015 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Middleton, D. J. |
A new species of Petrocodon (Gesneriaceae) from Thailand
2015 |
Thai Forest Bulletin |
Middleton, David J. |
Billolivia kyi (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Vietnam
2015 |
Anales Botanici Fennici |
Luu, Hong Truong |
Billolivia tichii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Vietnam
2015 |
Phytotaxa |
Vu, Ngoc Long |
Botanical Expedition to Haiti: Revisiting Erik Ekman’s 1920s Collecting Localities
2015 |
Gesneriads |
Clark, John L. |
The Genus Epithema Blume (Gesneriaceae) in India
2015 |
National Seminar on Advancement of Biosystematics on Biodiversity Conservation |
Janeesha, A. P. |
A new genus of Gesneriaceae in China and the transfer of Briggsia species to other genera
2014 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Möller, M. |
Nautilocalyx erytranthus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Northwestern Amazonia
2014 |
Phytotaxa |
Mora, M. Marcela |
Primulina lepingensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Jiangxi, China
2014 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Ning, Zu-Lin |
A revision of Ornithoboea (Gesneriaceae)
2014 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Scott, S. M. |
Morphological and Photosynthetic Response to High and Low Irradiance of Aeschynanthus longicaulis
2014 |
The Scientific World Journal |
Li, Qiansheng |
Billolivia, a new genus of Gesneriaceae from Vietnam with five new species
2014 |
Phytotaxa |
Middleton, David J. |
Primulina tsoongii sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone area in north Guangxi, China
2014 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Liang, Hui-Ling |
Glossoloma velutinum (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the Cordillera Central of the Colombian Andes
2014 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Rodas, Larri A. |
Cryopreservation of adventitious shoot tips of Paraisometrum mileense by droplet vitrification
2014 |
CryoLetters |
Lin, Liang |
Convergence of anti-bee pollination mechanisms in the Neotropical plant genus Drymonia (Gesneriaceae)
2014 |
Evolutionary Ecology |
Clark, John L. |
Columnea figueroae, a new species of gesneriaceae from las orquÍdeas national natural park (antioquia, Colombia)
2014 |
Caldasia |
Amaya-Marquez, Marisol |
Primulina glandaceistriata (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China
2014 |
Phytotaxa |
Zhu, Xin-Xin |
Primulina lechangensis (Gesneriaceae), A new species from a limestone cave of northern Guangdong, China
2014 |
Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy |
Zhou, Shou-Biao |
Primulina diffusa (Gesneriaceae), a New Species Endemic to the Karst Limestone Area in Southwestern Guangxi, China
2014 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Zhou, Shou-Biao |
A new species of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from Guangdong, China
2014 |
Phytotaxa |
Zheng, Yongli |
Petrocodon (Gesneriaceae) in the Limestone Karsts of Guangxi, China: Three New Species and a New Combination Based on Morphological and Molecular Evidence
2014 |
Systematic Botany |
Xu, Wei-Bin |
Primulina carinata (Gesneriaceae), A New Species from Guangxi, China
2014 |
Novon |
Wen, Fang |
Paraphyly of Section Stygnanthe (Columnea, Gesneriaceae) and a Revision of the Species of Section Angustiflorae, a New Section Inferred from ITS and Chloroplast DNA Data
2014 |
Systematic Botany |
Schulte, Lacie J. |
The genus Rhynchoglossum Blume (Gesneriaceae) in Thailand
2014 |
Thai Forest Bulletin |
Pattharahirantricin, Nannapat |
Phytochemical Analysis of Didymocarpus pedicellatus
2014 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research |
Priyakumari, Joyce C. |
Primulina petrocosmeoides sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China
2014 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Pan, Bo |
A new species of Alsobia (Gesneriaceae) from Chiapas, Mexico
2014 |
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad |
Martinez-Melendez, Nayely |
Systematics and Biogeography of the Neotropical Genus Paradrymonia and Close Allies
2014 |
Dissertation, University of Alabama |
Mora-Pinto, Martha Marcella |
A new combination in Liebigia (Gesneriaceae)
2014 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Middleton, D. J. |
Primulina jiangyongensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Southern Hunan, China
2014 |
Phytotaxa |
Li, Ming |
Didymocarpus heucherifolius var. yinzhengii (Gesneriaceae), a new taxon from Hunan, China
2014 |
Phytotaxa |
Li, Jia-Mei |
Primulina pseudoroseoalba (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from a Karst Cave in Guangxi, China
2014 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Li, Jian |
Review of nomenclatural notes in the European Gesneriaceae
2014 |
Botanica Serbia |
Kuzmanovic, Nevena |
Molecular Phylogenetic Distinction between Taiwan Endemic Rhynchotechum brevipedunculatum and R. discolor (Gesneriaceae) Widespread in Subtropical and Tropical Asia
2014 |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science |
Kokubugata, Goro |
Antimicrobial Activity of Henckelia humboldtiana (Gardner) A.Weber & B.L. Burtt (Didymocarpus humboldtiana (Gardner)) Leaf Extracts Against Human Pathogens
2014 |
International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences |
Kindo, I. |
Two new species and one new subspecies of Ridleyandra (Gesneriaceae) from Peninsular Malaysia
2014 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Kiew, R. |
Two new white-flowered Codonoboea species (Gesneriaceae) from Peninsular Malaysia
2014 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Kiew, R. |
A new species of Cremosperma (Gesneriaceae) from northeastern Peru
2014 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Keener, Brian R. |
Two New Species of Monopyle (Gesneriaceae) from Panama
2014 |
Novon |
Keene, Jeremy L. |
Primulina duanensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China
2014 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Huang, Shi-Lian |
Petrocodon villosus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China
2014 |
Blumea |
Hong, X. |
Sinningia ramboi (Gesneriaceae), a New Species From South Brazil
2014 |
Systematic Botany |
Ferreira, Gabriel E. |
A new unexpected record of Sinningia bullata Chautems & M. Peixoto (Gesneriaceae) in Southern Brazil
2014 |
Rodriguesia |
Ferreira, Gabriel Eliliano |
Two new species of Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from tropical Africa.
2014 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Darbyshire, I. |
Paradrymonia peltatifolia (Gesneriaceae), a Recently Discovered Species from Panama
2014 |
Novon |
Clark, John L. |
Taxonomic Status, Phylogenetic Affinities and Genetic Diversity of a Presumed Extinct Genus, Paraisometrum W.T. Wang (Gesneriaceae) from the Karst Regions of Southwest China
2014 |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Three New Species of Petrocodon (Gesneriaceae), Endemic to the Limestone Areas of Southwest China, and Preliminary Insights into the Diversification Patterns of the Genus
2014 |
Systematic Botany |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Primulina jianghuaensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone cave in southern Hunan, China
2014 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Cai, Ziu-Zhen |
Codonoboea (Gesneriaceae) Sections in Peninsular Malaysia
2014 |
Reinwardtia |
Lim, Chung Lu |
Five new species of Didymocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from Thailand
2014 |
Thai Forest Bulletin |
Nangngam, Pranee |
Forty new additions to the angiospermic flora of Assam, India
2014 |
Journal on New Biological Reports |
Barbhuiya, H. A. |
Two new combinations in Oreocharis Benth. (Gesneriaceae) from China
2014 |
Candollea |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
New Chromosome Counts and Their Taxonomic Implications in Primulina sensu lato (Gesneriaceae)
2014 |
Plant Diversity and Resources |
Liu, Rui-Rui |
Characterization, efficient transformation and regeneration of Chirita pumila (Gesneriaceae), a potential evo-devo model plant
2014 |
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture |
Liu, Bo-Ling |
GA2 and GA20-oxidase expressions are associated with the meristem position in Streptocarpus rexii (Gesneriaceae)
2014 |
Plant Growth Regulation |
Nishii, Kanae |
Oreocharis yunnanensis, a new name for the illegitimate Oreocharis glandulosa (Gesneriaceae) from China
2014 |
Phytotaxa |
Rossini, Josiene |
Primulina minor sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone cave in Hunan, China
2014 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Wen, Fang |
Exploratory Research Expedition to Mr. Ayanganna in the Interior of Guyana
2014 |
Gesneriads |
Clark, John L. |
A new combination in Henckelia (Gesneriaceae)
2014 |
Polish Botanical Journal |
Kumar, Ettickal Sukumaran Santhosh |
Lectotypification of Tetraphyllum bengalense C.B.Clarke (Gesneriaceae)
2014 |
Indian Journal of Forestry |
Datta, Sudeshna |
Redefinition of the Neotropical Genera Codonanthe (Mart.) Hanst. and Codonanthopsis Mansf. (Gesneriaceae)
2013 |
Selbyana |
Chautems, Alain |
Molecular Phylogenetic Analyses Reveal Undiscovered Monospecific Genera in the tribe Episcieae (Gesneriaceae)
2013 |
Systematic Botany |
Smith, James F. |
A New Formal Classification of Gesneriaceae
2013 |
Selbyana |
Weber, Anton |
A Reassessment of Monopyle (Gloxinieae:Gesneriaceae)
2013 |
Accepted Dissertation, Ohio University, Department of Environmental and Plant Biology |
Keene, Jeremy L. |
An annotated species list for the Gesneriaceae of Cuba
2013 |
Selbyana |
Clark, John L. |
Pair-flowered cymes in the Lamiales: Structure, distribution and origin
2013 |
Annals of Botany |
Weber, Anton |
Revision of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) in the Marquesas Islands
2013 |
PhytoKeys |
Wagner, Warren L. |
Paraboea middletonii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Thailand
2013 |
Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) |
Triboun, Pramote |
Oreocharis glandulosa, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southern Yunnan, China
2013 |
Phytotaxa |
Tan, Yun-Hong |
The reproductive biology of two understory plants in the Atlantic rain forest, Brazil
2013 |
Ecological Research |
Stein, Katharina |
Searching for monophyly in the subgeneric classification systems of Columnea (Gesneriaceae).
2013 |
Selbyana |
Smith, James T. |
Sinningia × vacariensis (Gesneriaceae) from Southern Brazil, the first natural hybrid described for the genus
2013 |
Phytotaxa |
Ferreira, Gabriel Emiliano |
Improved protocol for in vitro propagation of gloxinia (Sinningia sp.)
2013 |
Journal of Cell and Tissue Research |
Sharma, S. K. |
Gene discordance in phylogenomics of recent plant radiations, an example from Hawaiian Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae)
2013 |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
Pillon, Yohan |
Morphological variation, genetic diversity and genome size of critically endangered Haberlea (Gesneriaceae) populations in Bulgaria do not support the recognition of two different species
2013 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Petrova, Galya |
Temporal and spatial origin of Gesneriaceae in the New World inferred from plastid DNA sequences
2013 |
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |
Perret, Mathieu |
Primulina qingyuanensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from limestone areas in Guangdong, China
2013 |
Phytotaxa |
Ning, Zu-Lin |
Primulina huaijiensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Guangdong, China
2013 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Ning, Zu-Lin |
Didymocarpus (Gesneriaceae) in Thailand
2013 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Nangngam, Pranee |
The state of molecular studies in the family Gesneriaceae
2013 |
Selbyana |
Möller, Michael |
The current status of the species hitherto assigned to Henckelia (Gesneriaceae)
2013 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Middleton, D. J. |
New species of Microchirita (Gesneriaceae) from Thailand
2013 |
Thai Forest Bulletin |
Middleton, David J. |
Flowering time control in ornamental gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) by manipulation of miR159 expression
2013 |
Annals of Botany |
Li, Xiaoyan |
Ridleyandra chuana (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Peninsular Malaysia
2013 |
PhytoKeys |
Kiew, Ruth |
Sudden Collapse of Vacuoles in Saintpaulia sp. Palisade Cells Induced by a Rapid Temperature Decrease
2013 |
PLOS One |
Kadohama, Noriaki |
Towards a phylogenetically informed taxonomy of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) in the Solomon Islands
2013 |
Selbyana |
Clark, John R. |
Primulina debaoensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone cave in Guangxi, China
2013 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Jiang, Neng |
Floral ecology of Oreocharis pumila (Gesneriaceae): a novel case of sigmoid corolla
2013 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Guo, Yan-Feng |
A revision of Rhynchotechum Blume (Gesneriaceae)
2013 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Anderson, B. M. |
Primulina guizhongensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China
2013 |
Phytotaxa |
Zhao, Bo |
Petrocosmea funingensis (Gesneriaceae): a new species from southeastern Yunnan, China
2013 |
Phytotaxa |
Zhang, Qiang |
Primulina cardaminifolia (Gesneriaceae), a rare new species from limestone areas in Guangxi, China
2013 |
Botanical Studies |
Xu, Wei-Bin |
Primulina lutvittata (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from a Limestone Cave in Guangdong, China
2013 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Wen, Fang |
A new species of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae) from a karst limestone hill in southwestern Guangdong, China
2013 |
Phytotaxa |
Wen, Fang |
Didymocarpus dissectus sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Fujian, eastern China
2013 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Wen, Fang |
Anna rubidiflora (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guizhou, the southern part of China
2013 |
Plant Ecology and Evolution |
Wei, Yi-Gang |
Local genetic structure in the critically endangered, cave-associated perennial herb Primulina tabacum (Gesneriaceae)
2013 |
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society |
Wang, Zheng-Feng |
Petrocosmea melanophthalma, a New Species in Section Deianthera (Gesneriaceae) from Yunnan, China
2013 |
Novon |
Wang, Huan-Chong |
Genetic diversity of the endangered Chinese endemic herb Dayaoshania cotinifolia (Gesneriaceae) revealed by simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers
2013 |
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology |
Wang, Hongwei |
Shoot Organogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Leaf Explants of Lysionotus serratus D. Don
2013 |
The Scientific World Journal |
Li, Qiansheng |
Pollen and seed morphology of resurrection plants from the genus Ramonda (Gesneriaceae): Relationship with ploidy level and relevance to their ecology and identification
2013 |
Turkish Journal of Botany |
Lazarevic, Maja |
Two new Monophyllaea (Gesneriaceae) species from Sarawak, Borneo
2013 |
Phytotaxa |
Kiew, Ruth |
Floral ecology of Oreocharis acaulis (Gesneriaceae): An exceptional case of “preanthetic” protogyny combined with approach herkogamy
2013 |
Flora |
Guo, Yan-Feng |
Pollen morphology in Brazilian species of Codonanthe (Mart.) Hanst. and Nematanthus Schrader (Gesneriaceae)
2013 |
Grana |
Gasparino, Custodio |
An approach to identify putative hybrids in the ‘coalescent stochasticity zone’, as exemplified in the African plant genus Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae)
2013 |
New Phytologist |
de Villiers, Margaret J. |
Drymonia crispa (Gesneriaceae), a new species from northwestern Colombia
2013 |
Brittonia |
Clavijo, Laura |
A new species of Drymonia (Gesneriaceae) from the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes
2013 |
Brittonia |
Clark, John L. |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XVIII: Columnea carinata, a new species of Gesneriaceae from northwestern Ecuador
2013 |
Brittonia |
Clark, John L. |
Primulina mabaensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from a limestone cave of northern Guangdong, China
2013 |
Phytotaxa |
Chung, Kuo-Fang |
Oreocharis jinpingensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Yunnan, China
2013 |
Annales Botanici Fennici, |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Pollination ecology of Haberlea rhodopensis friv. (Gesneriaceae), A tertiary relict endemic to the Balkan Peninsula
2013 |
Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des sciences: sciences mathématiques et naturelles |
Bogacheva-Milkoteva, Katerina |
Breeding systems of Haberlea rhodopensis (Gesneriaceae), a Tertiary relict endemic to the Balkan Peninsula
2013 |
Phytologia Balcanica |
Bogacheva-Milkoteva, Katerina |
Haberlea rhodopensis and it’s relatives on the Balkans – what do we know about these peculiar Gesneriaceae members so far?
2013 |
OT Sistematik Botanik Dergisi |
Bogacheva, Katerina |
Gesneriaceae in the Parque Estadual da Serra do Papagaio, Minas Gerais, Brazil
2013 |
Boletim de Botanica |
Pereira, Luciana Carvalho |
Columnea caudata and Columnea megafolia, Two New Species of Gesneriaceae
2013 |
Caldasia |
Amaya-Marquez, Marisol |
Observations on Splash Seed Dispersal Among Neotropical Gesneriaceae
2013 |
Selbyana |
Ertelt, J. |
Assessment of “in vitro” propagation potential for some Gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) genotypes.
2013 |
Journal of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology |
Ioja-Boldura, F. |
A new species of Somrania (Gesneriaceae) from Thailand
2013 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Middleton, David J. |
Four new species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) with primary distributions in Colombia
2013 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Smith, James F. |
Hemiboea lutea sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China
2013 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Wen, Fang |
Primulina crassirhizoma sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone area along the boundary of Sino-Vietnam
2013 |
Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy |
Zhao, Bo |
Hemiboea roseoalba S.B. Zhou, X. Hong & F. Wen (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangdong, China
2013 |
Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy |
Zhou, Shou-Biao |
A revision of Rhynchoglossum (Gesneriaceae) in Malesia
2013 |
Reinwardtia |
Kartonegoro, Abdulrokhman |
Rediscovery of Henckelia macrostachya (Gesneriaceae) from Kerala, India
2013 |
Taprobanica |
Shaju, T. |
Unusual morphological and anatomical features of two woody Madagascan endemics, Streptocarpus papangae and S. suffruticosus (Gesneriaceae), and their potential taxonomic value
2012 |
South African Journal of Botany |
Jong, K. |
Cytological studies on Primulina taxa (Gesneriaceae) from limestone karsts in Guangxi province, China
2012 |
Caryologia |
Liu, Ruirui |
Tribounia, a new genus of Gesneriaceae from Thailand
2012 |
Taxon |
Middleton, David J. |
Intraspecific diversity in Sinningia speciosa (Gesneriaceae: Sinningieae), and possible origins of the cultivated florist’s gloxinia
2012 |
AoB Plants |
Zaitlin, David |
Aeschynanthus gracilis Parish ex C. B. Clarke (Gesneriaceae): A New Angiospermic Record for Meghalaya and its IUCN Status, India
2012 |
Indian Journal of Plant Sciences |
Singh, Bikarma |
Cellular DNA damage and lipid peroxidation after whole body gamma irradiation and treatment with Haberlea rhodopensis extract in rabbits
2012 |
Revue de médecine vétérinaire |
Georgieva, S. |
Somrania, a new genus of Gesneriaceae from Thailand
2012 |
Thai Forest Bulletin |
Middleton, David J. |
New occurrence of Nematanthus fissus (Vell.) L.E. Skog (Gesneriaceae, Episcieae) in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil).
2012 |
Revista Brasileira de Biociências |
Ferreira, Gabriel Emiliano |
Oreocharis dayaoshanioides, a rare new species of Gesneriaceae from eastern Guangxi, China
2012 |
Botanical Studies |
Liu, Yan |
The Gesneriaceae of Sulawesi V: A new species of Rhynchoglossum and a new combination in Codonoboea
2012 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Kartonegoro, A. |
Drymonia atropururea (Gesneriaceae), a new species from northwestern South America
2012 |
Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Clavijo, Laura |
On African violets and Cape primroses-towards a monophyletic Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae)
2012 |
Phytotaxa |
Christenhusz, Maarten |
Taxonomic studies on Gloxinieae (Gesneriaceae) – nomenclatural notes
2012 |
Acta Botanica Brasilica |
de Araujo, Andrea Onofre |
Columnea antennifera, a new species of Gesneriaceae from the Cordillera Central of the Columbian Andes
2012 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Clark, John L. |
Briggsia damingshanensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China
2012 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Wu, Lei |
The Complete Chloroplast and Mitochondrial Genome Sequences of Boea hygrometrica: Insights into the Evolution of Plant Organellar Genomes
2012 |
Zhang, Tongwu |
Loxocarpus pauzii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Peninsular Malaysia
2012 |
Blumea |
Yao, T. L. |
Nine new combinations and one new name of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from South China
2012 |
Phytotaxa |
Xu, Wei-Bin |
Paraboea angustifolia (Gesneriaceae): a new species from limestone areas in northern Guangxi, China
2012 |
Phytotaxa |
Xu, Wei-Bin |
Hemiboea sinovietnamica sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone area along the boundary of Sino‐Vietnam
2012 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Xu, Wei-Bin |
Population differentiation and phylogeographic pattern of a relict species, Conandron ramondioides (Gesneriaceae), revealed from sequence polymorphism and haplotypes of the CYCLOIDEA gene
2012 |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
Xiao, Li-Hong |
Primulina sinovietnamica (Gesneriaceae), a new species identified by both morphological and molecular characters from the limestone area in Guangxi, China
2012 |
Phytotaxa |
Wu, Wang-Hui |
Primulina guigangensis (Gesneriaceae): a new species from limestone area in Guangxi, China
2012 |
Phytotaxa |
Wu, Lei |
Primulina yangshuoensis, a New Species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China
2012 |
Taiwania |
Wen, Fang |
Primulina purpurea F. Wen, B. Zhao & Y.G Wei (Gesneriaceae), a new species from China
2012 |
Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy |
Wen, Fang |
Primulina hochiensis var. rosulata (Gesneriaceae)―a new variety at an entrance of a limestone cave from Guangxi, China
2012 |
Phytotaxa |
Wen, Fang |
Primulina fengshanensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China
2012 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Wen, Fang |
Petrocodon lancifolius (Gesneriaceae), a new species endemic to a central subtropical zone of Guizhou Province, China
2012 |
Phytotaxa |
Wen, Fang |
Twenty new species of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae) from Thailand
2012 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Triboun, Pramote |
Chemical constituents from Chirita longgangensis var. hongyao with inhibitory activity against porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus
2012 |
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society |
Su, Yao |
Ridleyandra iminii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Peninsular Malaysia
2012 |
Phytokeys |
Siti-Munirah, Mat Yunoh |
Regeneration niche of three epiphytic species of Gesneriaceae from Chilean rainforests: implications for the evolution of growth habits in Coronanthereae
2012 |
Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society |
Salinas, Fernanda |
Radioprotection from Genetic Damages by Resurrection Plant Haberlea rhodopensis – In Vivo/In Vitro Study with Rabbits
2012 |
Trakia Journal of Sciences |
Popov, B. N. |
Raphiocarpus tamdaoensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Vietnam
2012 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Phuong, Vu Xuan |
Improved shoot organogenesis of gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) using silver nitrate and putrescine treatment
2012 |
Plant Omics Journal |
Park, Eui-Ho |
Hemiboea pseudomagnibracteata (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China
2012 |
Taiwania |
Pan, Bo |
Light as environmental regulator for germination and macrocotyledon development in Streptocarpus rexii (Gesneriaceae)
2012 |
South African Journal of Botany |
Nishii, K. |
Gibberellin as a suppressor of lateral dominance and inducer of apical growth in the unifoliate Streptocarpus wendlandii (Gesneriaceae)
2012 |
New Zealand Journal of Botany |
Nishii, K. |
Paradrymonia apicaudata (Gesneriaceae), a new species from western Colombia
2012 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Mora, M. Marcela |
Henckelia pradeepiana, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Southern Western Ghats, India.
2012 |
Rheedea |
Manudev, K. M. |
A new species of Microchirita (Gesneriaceae) from Yunnan, China
2012 |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
Li, Jia-Mei |
Codonoboea personatiflora (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Peninsular Malaysia
2012 |
PhytoKeys |
Kiew, Ruth |
Primulina gongchengensis, a new species from Guangxi, China
2012 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Huang, Yu-Song |
Primulina chizhouensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae), a new species from a limestone cave in Anhui, China
2012 |
Phytotaxa |
Hong, Xin |
Comparison of Photosynthetic Pigment Contents of the Resurrection Plants Ramonda serbica and Ramonda nathaliae of Some Different Populations from Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia
2012 |
American Journal of Plant Sciences |
Gashi, Bekim |
Microsatellite markers developed for Corallodiscus lanuginosus (Gesneriaceae) and their cross‐species transferability
2012 |
American Journal of Botany |
Gao, Lian-Ming |
Why Do Tropical Mountains Support Exceptionally High Biodiversity? The Eastern Arc Mountains and the Drivers of Saintpaulia Diversity
2012 |
Dimitrov, Dimitar |
A phylogeny and study of floral traits in the neotropical genus Gasteranthus (Gesneriaceae)
2012 |
Thesis - University of Alabama |
Coleman, Cassandra Lynn |
Phylogeny of a Neotropical Clade in the Gesneriaceae: More Tales of Convergent Evolution
2012 |
International Journal of Plant Science |
Clark, John L. |
Gasteranthus diverticularis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southern Ecuador
2012 |
Brittonia |
Clark, John L. |
New chromosome counts in old world gesneriaceae: Numbers for species hitherto regarded as Chirita, and their systematic and evolutionary significance
2012 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Christie, F. |
Paraboea hekouensis and P. manhaoensis , Two New Species of Gesneriaceae from China
2012 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Ancylostemon dimorphosepalus (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from China
2012 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Sinningia lutea (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Southern Brazil
2012 |
Brittonia |
Buzatto, Christiano Roberto |
Columnea rangelii (Gesneriaceae), A new species from the Serranía de los Paraguas in the Colombian Andes
2012 |
Caldasia |
Amaya-Marquez, Marisol |
Micro-Structure Studies On Chirita and Utricularia of Peninsular Malaysia
2012 |
Pakistan Journal of Botany |
Yee, Chew Ming |
A new variety of Stauranthera umbrosa (Griffith) C.B. Clarke [Gesneriaceae] from North-East India
2012 |
Pleione |
Datta, Sudeshna |
Gesneriaceae of Serra Negra, Minas Gerais, Brazil
2012 |
Rodriguesia |
Blaser, Juliana Goncalves |
A rare new species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) from “Cordillera Occidental” in the Colombian Andes
2012 |
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales |
Amay-Marquez , Marisol |
The Gesneriaceae of Sulawesi V: A new species of Rhynchoglossum and a new combination in Codonoboea
2012 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Kartonegoro, A. |
Two new species, Primulina multifida and P. pseudomollifolia (Gesneriaceae), from karst caves in Guangxi, China
2012 |
Botanical Studies |
Xu, Wei-Bin |
A new delineation for Oreocharis incorporating an additional ten genera of Chinese Gesneriaceae
2011 |
Phytotaxa |
Möller, Michael |
Molecular systematics and remodelling of Chirita and associated genera (Gesneriaceae)
2011 |
Taxon |
Weber, Anton |
A new definition of the genus Petrocodon (Gesneriaceae)
2011 |
Phytotaxa |
Weber, Anton |
Pollination biology and reproduction of Seemannia sylvatica (Kunth) Hanstein (Gesneriaceae) in the Serra da Bodoquena National Park, Mato Grosso do Sul
2011 |
Biota Neotropica |
Camargo, Eduardo |
Palynotaxonomy of Besleria L. and Napeanthus Gardn. (Beslerieae/Napeantheae – Gesneriaceae) specially species occurring in São Paulo State
2011 |
Revista Brasileira de Botanica |
Gasparino, Eduardo Custodio |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XVII: New Combinations and Typifications
2011 |
Novon |
Clark, John L. |
Molecular systematics and remodelling of Chirita and associated genera (Gesneriaceae)
2011 |
Taxon |
Weber, Anton |
Microsatellite markers for Dayaoshania cotinifolia (Gesneriaceae), a critically endangered perennial herb.
2011 |
American Journal of Botany |
Zhang, Bing |
Petrocosmea huanjiangensis, a New Species of Gesneriaceae from Limestone Areas in Guangxi, China
2011 |
Novon |
Xu, Wei-bin |
Rhytidophyllum grandiflorum (Gesneriaceae), especie nueva con dos variedades en La Espanola
2011 |
Moscosoa |
Zanoni, Thomas |
Chirita luochengensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from limestone areas in northern Guangxi, China
2011 |
Brittonia |
Xu, Wei-Bin |
Chirita lijiangensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from limestone area in Guangxi, China
2011 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Xu, W. B. |
Chiritopsis hezhouensis (Gesneriaceae) from Karst Caves in Guangxi, China
2011 |
Taiwania |
Wu, Wang-Hui |
Hemiboea angustifolia (Gesneriaceae), a new species endemic to a tropical limestone area of Guangxi, China
2011 |
Phytotaxa |
Wen, Fang |
A new definition of the genus Petrocodon (Gesneriaceae)
2011 |
Phytotaxa |
Weber, Anton |
Inclusion of Metabriggsia into Hemiboea (Gesneriaceae)
2011 |
Phytotaxa |
Weber, Anton |
Phylogenetic reconstruction of Chirita and allies (Gesneriaceae) with taxonomic treatments
2011 |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
Wang, Yin-Zheng |
Chirita tiandengensis (Gesneriaceae) sp. nov. from Guangxi, China
2011 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Tang, Hui |
The Systematic Placement of the Monotypic Genus Paraisometrum (Gesneriaceae) Based on Molecular and Cytological Data
2011 |
Plant Diversity and Resources |
Tan, Ying |
Lectotypification of Ramonda serbica (Gesneriaceae)
2011 |
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae |
Szelag, Zbigniew |
To which genus does the enigmatic Peninsular Malaysian Chirita elata (Gesneriaceae) belong?
2011 |
Blumea |
Rafidah, A. R. |
Confirmation of a natural hybrid species in Petrocosmea (Gesneriaceae) based on molecular and morphological evidence
2011 |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
Qiu, Zhi-Jing |
New insights into the relationships between Paraboea, Trisepalum, and Phylloboea (Gesneriaceae) and their taxonomic consequences
2011 |
Taxon |
Puglisi, Carmen |
Oreocharis × heterandra (Gesneriaceae): a natural hybrid from the Shengtangshan Mountains, Guangxi, China
2011 |
Phytotaxa |
Puglisi, Carmen |
Desiccation of the resurrection plant Haberlea rhodopensis at high temperature
2011 |
Photosynthesis Research |
Mihailova, Gergana |
Primulina guangxiensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a karst cave in Guangxi, China
2011 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Liu, Yan |
Primulina xiziae sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Zhejiang Province, China
2011 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Li, Jian |
Phytogeographic aspects of Lysionotus pauciflorus sensu lato (Gesneriaceae) in the China, Japan and Taiwan regions: phylogenetic and morphological relationships and taxonomic consequences
2011 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Kokubugata, Goro |
Rhytidophyllum daisyanum, a new species is described and ilustrated from Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic.
2011 |
Moscosoa |
Jimenez R., Francisco |
Petrocodon multiflorus sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China
2011 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Jiang, Yun-Sheng |
Chirita rongshuiensis, a New Species of Gesneriaceae from Northern Guangxi, China
2011 |
Taiwania |
Huang, Yu-Song |
Chromosome number in meiotic stage cells and pollen viability of Vanhouttea hilariana Chautems, Vanhouttea brueggeri Chautems and an interespecific hybrid (Gesneriaceae)
2011 |
Anales de Biologia |
Fuchs, Maria Cecilia Parantoni |
Sugar ratios, glutathione redox status and phenols in the resurrection species Haberlea rhodopensis and the closely related non-resurrection species Chirita eberhardtii
2011 |
Plant Biology |
Djilianov, D. |
Photosynthesis in desiccation tolerant plants: energy metabolism and antioxidative stress defense
2011 |
Plant Science |
Dinakar, Challabathula |
Independent Origin of Radial Floral Symmetry in the Gloxinieae (Gesnerioideae: Gesneriaceae) is Supported by the Rediscovery of Phinaea pulchella in Cuba
2011 |
Systematic Botany |
Clark, John L. |
Columnea lucifer (Gesneriaceae) a new species from northwestern Ecuador
2011 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Clark, John L. |
Columnea pygmaea (Gesneriaceae) a new species from northwestern Ecuador
2011 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Clark, John L. |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XVI: Cremosperma anisophyllum, a new species of Gesneriaceae from the Chocó region of northern Ecuador and southern Colombia
2011 |
Brittonia |
Clark, John L. |
Cascading effects of bird functional extinction reduce pollination and plant density
2011 |
Science |
Anderson, Sandra H. |
Columnea bivalvis (Gesneriaceae) a new species from the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes
2011 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Amaya-Marquez, Marisol |
Two New Species of Monopyle (Gesneriaceae) from Northern Ecuador
2011 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Keene, Jeremy |
New World Origins of Southwest Pacific Gesneriaceae: Multiple Movements Across and Within the South Pacific
2011 |
International Journal of Plant Science |
Woo, Vincent L. |
Cremosperma verticillatum (Gesneriaceae), a new species from northwestern Ecuador.
2011 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Clark, John L. |
A New Variety of Hemiboea (Gesneriaceae) from Limestone Areas in Guangxi, China
2011 |
Taiwania |
Huang, Yu-Song |
Names and new combinations for Peninsular Malaysian species of Codonoboea Ridl. (Gesneriaceae)
2011 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Kiew, R. |
Erratum to Taxon 60(3)
2011 |
Taxon |
Middleton, David J. |
A molecular phylogenetic assessment of the advanced Asiatic and Malesian didymocarpoid Gesneriaceae with focus on non-monophyletic and monotypic genera
2011 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Möller, Michael |
Chrysothemis and Episcia (Gesneriaceae: Gesnerioideae: Episcieae), new records for the native flora of Mexico
2011 |
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad |
Ramirez-Roa, Angelica |
Chirita ningmingensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China
2011 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Wu, Wang-Hui |
Two occurrence taxa in Paraboea (C.B.Clarke) Ridl. (Gesneriaceae) for flora of Vietnam
2011 |
Guihaia |
Vu, Xuan Phuong |
Aeschynanthus buxifolius
2010 |
Curtis's Botanical Magazine |
Middleton, David J. |
Nuclear DNA content in Sinningia (Gesneriaceae); intraspecific genome size variation and genome characterization in S. speciosa
2010 |
Genome |
Zaitlin, David |
Evolutionary breakdown of pollination specialization in a Caribbean plant radiation
2010 |
New Phytologist |
Marten-Rodriguez, Silvana |
Divergent Chemical Cues Elicit Seed Collecting by Ants in an Obligate Multi-Species Mutualism in Lowland Amazonia
2010 |
Youngsteadt, Elsa |
Significance of consensus CYC‐binding sites found in the promoters of both ChCYC and ChRAD genes in Chirita heterotricha (Gesneriaceae)
2010 |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
Yang, Xia |
Origin and phylogenetic relationships of the Old World Gesneriaceae with actinomorphic flowers inferred from ITS and trnL-trnF sequences
2010 |
Taxon |
Wang, Yin-Zhang |
Epiphytic Growth Habits of Chilean Gesneriaceae And the Evolution of Epiphytes Within the Tribe Coronanthereae
2010 |
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden |
Salinas, M. Fernanda |
Proposal to conserve the name Moussonia (Gesneriaceae) with a conserved type
2010 |
Taxon |
Ramirez-Roa, Angelica |
Expression pattern of CYC-like genes relating to a dorsalized actinomorphic flower in Tengia (Gesneriaceae)
2010 |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
Pan, Hong-Bo |
Chiritopsis longzhouensis, a New Species of Gesneriaceae from Limestone Areas in Guangxi, China
2010 |
Taiwania |
Pan, Bo |
Tremacron aurantiacum var. weiningense (Gesneriaceae) var. nov. from Guizhou, China
2010 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
He, Shun-Zi |
Pollination biology of Paliavana tenuiflora (Gesneriaceae: Sinningeae) in Northeastern Brazil
2010 |
Acta Botanica Brasilica |
Ferreira, Patricia Alves |
Shuaria (Gesneriaceae), an Arborescent New Genus from the Cordillera del Cóndor and Amazonian Ecuador
2010 |
Systematic Botany |
Clark, John L. |
Chautemsia calcicola: A new genus and species of Gloxinieae (Gesneriaceae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil
2010 |
Taxon |
de Araujo, Andrea Onofre |
Floristic comparisons and taxonomy of the family Gesneriaceae from Itatiaia National Park, Brazil
2010 |
Hoehnea |
de Barros, Maria Jullyana |
Taxonomic Revision of Sinningia Nees (Gesneriaceae) IV: Six New Species from Brazil and a Long Overlooked Taxon
2010 |
Candollea |
Chautems, Alain |
Novedades taxonómicas en el género Columnea (Gesneriaceae)
2010 |
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales |
Amaya-Marquez, Marisol |
A new species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) from the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia.
2010 |
Caldasia |
Amaya-Marquez, Marisol |
Taxonomic studies in Gloxinia s.l. (Gesneriaceae) -I: a new species from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
2010 |
Rodriguesia |
de Araujo, Andrea Onofre |
Paraboea (Gesneriaceae) in Sabah, Borneo, including a new species
2010 |
Malayan Nature Journal |
Kiew, R. |
Pollen limitation and reproductive assurance in Antillean Gesnerieae: a specialists vs. generalist comparison
2010 |
Ecology |
Marten-Rodriguez, Silvana |
Pollination of Nematathus brasiliensis: an epiphytic Gesneriaceae endemic to the southeastern atlantic forests of Brazil
2010 |
Selbyana |
SanMartin-Gajardo, Ivonne |
A Revision of Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae) in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam
2009 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Middleton, D. J. |
Chiritopsis jingxiensis, a New Species of Gesneriaceae from a Karst Cave in Guangxi, China
2009 |
Novon |
Xu, Wei-bin |
Petrocosmea xingyiensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Guizhou, China
2009 |
Novon |
Wei, Yi-Gang |
Notes on Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae) of Sumatra, Indonesia
2009 |
Blumea |
Tjitrosoedirdjo, Sri S. |
Expressions of ECE-CYC2 clade genes relating to abortion of both dorsal and ventral stamens in Opithandra (Gesneriaceae)
2009 |
BMC Evolutionary Biology |
Song, Chun-Feng |
Primer registro del género Corytoplectus (Gesneriaceae: Episcieae) en México, con descripción de una nueva especie
2009 |
Brittonia |
Ramirez-Roa, Angelica |
A preliminary phylogeny of the ‘didymocarpoid Gesneriaceae’ based on three molecular data sets: Incongruence with available tribal classifications
2009 |
American Journal of Botany |
Möller, Michael |
Evaluation of pollination syndromes in Antillean Gesneriaceae: evidence for bat, hummingbird and generalized flowers
2009 |
Journal of Ecology |
Marten-Rodriguez, Silvana |
WUS and STM homologs are linked to the expression of lateral dominance in the acaulescent Streptocarpus rexii (Gesneriaceae)
2009 |
Planta |
Mantegazza, Rafaella |
Patterns of diversification and ancestral range reconstruction in the southeast Asian-Pacific angiosperm lineage Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae)
2009 |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
Clark, John R. |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XVI: Pearcea pileifolia, a New Species of Gesneriaceae from South America
2009 |
Novon |
Clark, John Littner |
Potential autonomous selfing in Gesneria citrina (Gesneriaceae), a specialized hummingbird pollinated species with variable expression of herkogamy
2009 |
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology |
Chen, Xin-Sheng |
KNOX overexpression in transgenic Kohleria (Gesneriaceae) prolongs the activity of proximal leaf blastozones and drastically alters segment fate
2009 |
Planta |
Barth, Sima |
Henckelia section Loxocarpus (Gesneriaceae) in peninsular Malaysia
2009 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Banka, R. A. |
Chirita leeii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangxi,China
2009 |
Guihaia |
Wen, Fang |
Systematics of Glossoloma (Gesneriaceae)
2009 |
Systematic Botany Monographs |
Clark, John Littner |
Folia taxonomica 12. Paradrymonia (Gesneriaceae: Episcieae) from the Guiana shield: P. magulrei, a new species from Amazonas, and distribution and floral morphology of P. maculata
2009 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Feuillet, Christian |
Folia taxonomica 15. Five new species of Paradrymonia subgenus Paradrymonia (Gesneriaceae: Episcieae) from the Venezuelan Guayana
2009 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Feuillet, Christian |
Saintpaulia watkinsii
2009 |
Curtis's Botanical Magazine |
Haston, Elspeth M. |
A Review of the Neotropical Genera Amalophyllon, Niphaea and Phinaea (Gesneriaceae-Gloxinieae)
2008 |
Selbyana |
Boggan, John K. |
Pollination Observations of the African Violet in the Taita Hills, Kenya
2008 |
Journal of East African Natural History |
Martins, Dino J. |
Revision of Corytoplectus Oerst. (Gesneriaceae)
2008 |
Selbyana |
Rodriguez-Flores, Claudia |
Altered expression patterns of TCP and MYB genes relating to the floral developmental transition from initial zygomorphy to actinomorphy in Bournea (Gesneriaceae)
2008 |
New Phytologist |
Zhou, Xiu-Ren |
Revision of Corytoplectus Oerst. (Gesneriaceae)
2008 |
Selbyana |
Rodriguez-Flores, Claudia |
A new species of Chirita (Gesneriaceae) from Yunnan, China
2008 |
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |
Xu, Han |
Lagarosolen hechiensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China
2008 |
Annales Botanici Fennici (45/4) |
Wei, Yi-Gang |
Flora of the Guianas: Fascicle 26, 155. Gesneriaceae
2008 |
Flora of the Guianas |
Skog, L. E. |
Corallodiscus Batalin (Gesneriaceae): A new generic record for Eastern Ghats, Orissa
2008 |
Current Science |
Rout, Nirad Chandra |
Untangling Gloxinieae (Gesneriaceae). II. Reconstructing Biogeographic Patterns and Estimating Divergence Times Among New World Continental and Island Lineages
2008 |
Systematic Botany |
Roalson, Eric H. |
Aspects of Genome Evolution in Gesneriaceae: Patterns of 45S‐nrDNA Site Evolution based on Evidence from Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
2008 |
International Journal of Plant Science |
Möller, Michael |
Chirita longicalyx (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China
2008 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Li, Jia-Mei |
Morphotypes, varieties, or subspecies?: genetic diversity and differentiation of four Saintpaulia (Gesneriaceae) morphotypes from the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania
2008 |
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |
Kohlemainen, Johanna |
Expression differentiation of CYC-like floral symmetry genes correlated with their protein sequence divergence in Chirita heterotricha (Gesneriaceae)
2008 |
Development, Genes and Evolution |
Gao, Qiu |
Genetic structure and diversity in Ramonda myconi (Gesneriaceae): effects of historical climate change on a preglacial relict species
2008 |
American Journal of Botany |
Dubreuil, Marta |
Drymonia decora (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from the Fila Costeña, Costa Rica
2008 |
Selbyana |
Clark, John R. |
Drymonia collegarum (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Ecuador
2008 |
Selbyana |
Clark, John L. |
Pollination Ecology and Breeding Systems of Five Gesneria Species from Puerto Rico
2008 |
Annals of Botany |
Marten-Rodriguez, Silvana |
A new species of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae) from a karst cave in Guangxi, China, and observations on variations in flower and inflorescence architecture
2008 |
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |
Chen, Wen H. |
A new species of Agalmyla (Gesneriaceae) from Sulawesi
2008 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Middleton, D. J. |
Besleria beltranii (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Peru
2008 |
Novon |
Salinas, Irayda |
Genome size variation and polyploidy in the resurrection plant genus Ramonda: Cytogeography of living fossils
2008 |
Environmental and Experimental Botany |
Siljak-Yakovlev, Sonja |
A new variety of Chiritopsis (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China–Chiritopsis glandulosa var. yangshuoensis
2008 |
Guihaia |
Wen, Fang |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XV: Kohleria hypertrichosa, a new species of Gesneriaceae from northwestern Ecuador
2008 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Clark, John Littner |
A comparative study in ancestral range reconstruction methods: retracing the uncertain histories of insular lineages.
2008 |
Systematic Botany |
Clark, John R. |
Folia taxonomica 6. Two new species of Besleria (Gesneriaceae) from the Venezuelan Guayana
2008 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Feuillet, Christian |
Folia taxonomica 7. Two new species and a new section in Episcia (Gesneriaceae) from the Venezuelan Guayana
2008 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Feuillet, Christian |
Folia taxonomica 10. New species of Nautilocalyx (Gesneriaceae: Episcieae) from the Venezuelan Guayana
2008 |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Feuillet, Christian |
A New Species of Ornithoboea (Gesneriaceae) from Vietnam
2008 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Middleton, D. J. |
New Localities for Ramonda nathaliae (Gesneriaceae) in Macedonian Flora
2008 |
Book of Abstracts, International Conference on Biological and Environmental Sciences |
Abdullai, Kasamedia |
A revision of Aeschynanthus in Thailand
2007 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Middleton, David John |
The geographical pattern of speciation and floral diversification in the neotropics: the tribe sinningieae (gesneriaceae) as a case study
2007 |
Evolution |
Perret, Mathieu |
Nectar removal effects on seed production in Moussonia deppeana (Gesneriaceae), hummingbird-pollinated shrub
2007 |
Ecoscience |
Ornelas, Juan Francisco |
Developmental analyses of the phyllomorph formation in the rosulate species Streptocarpus rexii (Gesneriaceae)
2007 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Nishii, K. |
Anisocotyly and meristem initiation in an unorthodox plant, Streptocarpus rexii (Gesneriaceae)
2007 |
Planta |
Mantegazza, Raffaella |
Phylogenetic reconstruction among species of Chiritopsis and Chirita sect. Gibbosaccus (Gesneriaceae) based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL-F sequences
2007 |
Systematic Botany |
Li, Jia-Mei |
Inflorescence and floral development in Streptocarpus and Saintpaulia (Gesneriaceae) with particular reference to the impact of bracteole suppression
2007 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Haston, E. |
Sinningia gigantifolia Chautems (Gesneriaceae) first record in the São Paulo State
2007 |
Biota Neotropica |
Arzolla, Frederico Alexandre Roccia Dal Pozzo |
Codonanthe gibbosa J. Rossini & Chautems (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil
2007 |
Candollea |
Rossini, Josiene |
Evolutionary Trends in Pollination Syndromes of Neotropical Gesneriaceae
2007 |
Phyton |
Freiberg, Martin |
Pollen morphology of three Chinese endemic genera in Gesneriaceae
2007 |
Guihaia |
Cao, Ming |
The benefits of bathing buds: water calyces protect flowers from a microlepidopteran herbivore
2007 |
Biology Letters |
Carlson, Jane E. |
The impact of pollination syndrome and habitat on gene flow: a comparative study of two Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) species.
2007 |
American Journal of Botany |
Hughes, Mark |
Placement of Three Problematic Genera of Gesneriaceae based on Chalcone Synthase (CHS) a Duplicated Nuclear Gene.
2007 |
Botanical Society of America (poster presentation) |
Kotarski, Michael |
Allelopathic effects of Eupatorium adenophorum on five species of the family Gesneriaceae
2007 |
Biodiversity Science |
Li, Yuanbo |
A new species and a new combination in (Gesneriaceae) from Laos
2007 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Middleton, D. J. |
Moussonia adpressipilosa (Gesneriaceae), a New Solitary-Flowered Species from Mexico and Guatemala
2007 |
Novon |
Ramirez-Roa, Angelica |
Moussonia larryskogii (Gesneriaceae) a new species of Mexico
2007 |
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad |
Ramirez-Roa, Angelica |
Petrocodon ferrugineus (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China
2007 |
Novon |
Wei, Yi-Gang |
Single nucleotide polymorphisms of Gcyc1 (Cycloidea) in Conandron ramondioides (Gesneriaceae) from Southeast China
2007 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Xiao, L.-H. |
A duplication of gcyc predates divergence within tribe Coronanthereae (Gesneriaceae): Phylogenetic analysis and evolution
2006 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Smith, J. F. |
Breeding system of a plesiomorphic floral type: an investigation of small flowered Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) species
2006 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Hughes, M. |
The Pollination Ecology of Paraboea rufescens (Gesneriaceae): a Buzz-pollinated Tropical Herb with Mirror-image Flowers
2006 |
Annals of Botany |
Gao, Jiang-Yun |
Phylogenetic Relationships and Generic Boundaries in the Episcieae (Gesneriaceae) Inferred from Nuclear, Chloroplast, and Morphological Data
2006 |
Taxon |
Clark, John L. |
Novedades taxonómicas y nomenclaturales en Cremosprema y Resia (Gesneriaceae) de Colombia
2006 |
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales |
Fernandez-Alonso, Jose Luis |
Using a chalcone synthase gene to infer phylogenies in the genus Saintpaulia
2006 |
Bios |
Caro, Sarah E. |
Isometrum wanshanense, a new species of the Gesneriaceae from Guizhou, China
2006 |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
He, Shun-Zhi |
Old world Gesneriaceae XI: More miscellaneous species of Cyrtandra in Borneo
2006 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Hilliard, O. M. |
Old world Gesneriaceae XII: Further miscellaneous species of Cyrtandra in Borneo
2006 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Hilliard, O. M. |
Reproductive ecology of three endangered African violet (Saintpaulia H. Wendl.) species in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania
2006 |
African Journal of Ecology |
Kolehmainen, Joanna K. |
A New Species and Notes on Drymonia (Gesneriaceae) from Costa Rica
2006 |
Novon |
Kriebel, Ricardo |
Drymonia tomentulifera, Sp. Nova of Costa Rica, and notes on the reproductive biology of genus Drymonia (Gesneriaceae: Episcieae)
2006 |
Lankestriana |
Kriebel, Ricardo |
Chirita tribracteata var. zhuana Z. Y. Li, Q. Xing Y. B.Li (Gesneriaceae), a new variety from Guangxi, China
2006 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Li, Zhen-Yu |
The Gesneriaceae of Sulawesi IV: Two new species of Aeschynanthus
2006 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Mendum, Mary |
Genetic diversity of the endangered Chinese endemic herb Primulina tabacum (Gesneriaceae) revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP).
2006 |
Genetica |
Ni, Xiaowei |
Dispersal-Vicariance analyses in the tribe Sinningieae (Gesneriaceae): a clue to understanding biogeographical history of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
2006 |
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden |
Perret, Mathieu |
Molecular phylogeny and character evolution of Didymocarpus (Gesneriaceae) in Thailand
2006 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Palee, P. |
Senescence- and drought-related changes in peroxidase and superoxide dismutase isoforms in leaves of Ramonda serbica
2006 |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
Veljovic-Jovanovic, Sonja |
Isolation and sequence analysis of two CYC-like genes, SiCYC1A and SiCYC1B, from zygomorphic and actinomorphic cultivars of Saintpaulia ionantha (Gesneriaceae)
2006 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wang, Lei |
Ancylostemon hekouensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China
2006 |
Annales Botanici Fennici |
Chen, Wen-Hong |
Flora of Tropical East Africa (eds. Beentje and Ghazanfar) – Gesneriaceae
2006 |
RBG Kew |
Darbyshire, Iain |
Gesneriaceae endémicas del Perú
2006 |
Revista Peruana de Biologia |
Salinas, Irayda |
Reorganization of Tribal and Generic Bundaries in the Gloxineae (Gesneriaceae: Gesnerioideae) and the Description of a New Tribe in the Gesnerioideae, Sphaerorrhizeae
2005 |
Selbyana |
Roalson, Eric H. |
Gesneriaceae in the 21st Century
2005 |
Selbyana |
Skog, Laurence E. |
Species of Vanhouttea Lem. and Sinningia Nees (Gesneriaceae) pollinated by hummingbirds: interactions related with plant habitat and nectar
2005 |
Revista Brasileira de Botanica |
Sanmartin-Gajardo, Ivonne |
Las Gesneriáceas de Perú
2005 |
Arnaldoa |
Kvist, Lars P. |
Chiropterophily in Sinningieae (Gesneriaceae): Sinningia brasiliensis and Paliavana prasinata are bat-pollinated, but P. sericiflora is not. Not yet?
2005 |
Annals of Botany |
Sanmartin-Gajardo, Ivonne |
Untangling Gloxinieae (Gesneriaceae). I. Phylogenetic Patterns and Generic Boundaries Inferred from Nuclear, Chloroplast, and Morphological Cladistic Datasets
2005 |
Taxon |
Roalson, Eric H. |
A new species of Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) endemic to Madagascar
2005 |
Adansonia |
MacMaster, Gwyneth |
Evolution of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) in the Pacific Ocean: the origin of a supertramp clade
2005 |
American Journal of Botany |
Cronk, Quentin C. B. |
Gesneriaceae of Espinhaço Range in Minas Gerais, Brazil
2005 |
Revista Brasileira de Botanica |
de Araujo, Andrea O. |
Five New Species of Nematanthus Schrad. (Gesneriaceae) From Eastern Brazil with a Revised Key to the Genus
2005 |
Selbyana |
Chautems, Alain |
Developmental morphology of the Asian one-leaf plant, Monophyllaea glabra (Gesneriaceae) with emphasis on inflorescence morphology
2005 |
Journal of Plant Research |
Ayano, Madoka |
Revision of Cyrtandra section Dissimiles (Gesneriaceae)
2005 |
Blumea |
Bramley, Gemma L. C. |
The Role of KNOX Genes in the Evolution of Morphological Novelty in Streptocarpus
2005 |
The Plant Cell |
Harrison, Jill |
Refugia, dispersal and divergence in a forest archipelago: a study of Streptocarpus in eastern South Africa.
2005 |
Molecular Ecology |
Hughes, M. |
Una nueva especie y un nuevo registro de Drymonia (Gesneriaceae) en Costa Rica
2005 |
Lankesteriana |
Kriebel, Ricardo |
A new species of Columnea and range extension in the Gesneriaceae from Costa Rica
2005 |
Brittonia |
Kriebel, Ricardo |
A new Bornean Paraboea (Gesneriaceae) species endemic to Niah National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia, and further plant records from Niah
2005 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Pearce, Katharine G. |
Phylogenetic patterns of diversification in the Beslerieae (Gesneriaceae)
2005 |
Book: Plant Genome: Biodiversity and Evolution, Phanerograms 1C (eds. Sharma and Sharma) |
Roalson, Eric H. |
Investigation of the biosynthesis of 3‐deoxyanthocyanins in Sinningia cardinalis
2005 |
Physiologia Plantarum |
Winefield, Chris S. |
Didymostigma trichanthera (Gesneriaceae), an epipetric plant from southeastern China with showy white or sometimes pink flowers, is described and illustrated.
2005 |
Harvard Papers in Botany |
Ye, Chuang-Xing |
Old World Gesneriaceae VIII: miscellaneous Bornean species of Cyrtandra
2005 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Burtt, B. L. |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XIV: Four new species of Alloplectus from South America
2005 |
Novon |
Clark, John Littner |
A Monograph of Alloplectus (Gesneriaceae)
2005 |
Selbyana |
Clark, John L. |
Haberlea rhodopensis and others – first pages of several articles
2004 to 2015 |
Various |
Petrova, Galya |
Novae Gesneriaceae neotropicarum XIII: Four new species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) section Collandra from Colombia
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Amaya-Marquez, M. |
The family Gesneriaceae as example for the Biological extinction in Western Ecuador
2004 |
Lyonia |
Kvist, Lars Peter |
Altered expression of GFLO, the Gesneriaceae homologue of FLORICAULA/LEAFY, is associated with the transition to bulbil formation in Titanotrichum oldhamii
2004 |
Development Genes and Evolution |
Wang, Chun-Neng |
Population Genetic Structure of Titanotrichum oldhamii (Gesneriaceae), a Subtropical Bulbiliferous Plant with Mixed Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
2004 |
Annals of Botany |
Wang, Chun-Neng |
Phylogenetic Position of Titanotrichum oldhamii (Gesneriaceae) Inferred From Four Different Gene Regions
2004 |
Systematic Botany |
Wang, Chun-Neng |
Aspects of sexual failure in the reproductive processes of a rare bulbiliferous plant, Titanotrichum oldhamii (Gesneriaceae), in subtropical Asia
2004 |
Sexual Plant Reproduction |
Wang, Chun-Neng |
A Phylogenetic Analysis within Tribes Gloxinieae and Gesnerieae (Gesnerioideae: Gesneriaceae)
2004 |
Systematic Botany |
Smith, James F. |
Evolution of GCYC, a Gesneriaceae homolog of CYCLOIDEA, within Gesnerioideae (Gesneriaceae)
2004 |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
Smith, James F. |
Assembly of tropical plant diversity on a local scale: Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) on Mount Kerinci, Sumatra
2004 |
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society |
Bramley, G. L. C. |
Novae Gesneriaceae neotropicarum XIII: Four new species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) section Collandra from Colombia
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Amaya, M. |
The Gesneriaceae of Sulawesi II: Seven new species of Cyrtandra
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Atkins, H. J. |
A new species of Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from the Pondoland Coast, South Africa
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Bellstedt, Dirk U. |
The genus Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) in peninsular Malaysia and Singapore
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Bramley, G. L. C. |
Pollen morphology of some species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi
2004 |
Guihaia |
Cao, Ming |
Wentsaiboea D. Fang & D. H. Qin, a new genus of the Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China
2004 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Fang, Ding |
A revision of Chirita sect. Liebigia (Gesneriaceae)
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Boany |
Hilliard, O. M. |
Bornean Species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) Closely Allied to C. chrysea and C. eximia
2004 |
Kew Bulletin |
Hilliard, O. M. |
EST and random genomic nuclear microsatellite markers for Streptocarpus
2004 |
Molecular Ecology Notes |
Hughes, M. |
Floral morphology and recognition of varieties in Conandron ramondioides (Gesneriaceae) from Japan and Taiwan
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Kokubugata, G. |
Two new species and one new name in the Gesneriaceae from Costa Rica
2004 |
Rhodora |
Kriebel, Ricardo |
Hemiboea subcapitata var. pterocaulis (Gesneriaceae) a new variety from Guangxi, China
2004 |
Acta Phyotaxonomica Sinica |
Li, Zhen-Yu |
Hemiboea rubribracteata Z. Y. Li & Yan Liu, a new species of Hemiboea (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China
2004 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Li, Zhen-Yu |
The Gesneriaceae of Sulawesi III: Three new species of Aeschynanthus
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Mendum, M. |
The Gesneriaceae of Sulawesi I: An introduction
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Mendum, M. |
Plastid Inheritance in Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) and an Inferred Hybrid Origin for a Population of S. aff. primulifolius from Igoda River, South Africa
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Möller, M. |
A synopsis of cytological studies in Gesneriaceae
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Möller, M. |
Characterization of Anisocotylous Leaf Formation in Streptocarpus wendlandii (Gesneriaceae): Significance of Plant Growth Regulators
2004 |
Annals of Botany |
Nishii, Kanae |
Thermoluminescence study of photosystem II activity in Haberlea rhodopensis and spinach leaves during desiccation.
2004 |
Plant Biology |
Peeva, V. |
Non-Euglossine bees also function as pollinators of Sinningia species (Gesneriaceae) in southeastern brazil.
2004 |
Plant Biology |
SanMartin-Gajardo, I. |
Factors controlling initiation and orientation of the macrocotyledon in anisocotylous Gesneriaceae
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Sauregger, J. |
Paralagarosolen Y. G. Wei, a new genus of the Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China
2004 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wei, Yi-Gang |
Studies of flora and ecology of Gesneriaceae in Guangxi province
2004 |
Acta Botanica Yunnanica |
Wei, Yi-Gang |
Pseudochirita guangxiensis var. glauca Y. G. Wei & Yan Liu, a new variety of the Gesneriaceae
2004 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wei, Yi-Gang |
Paraboea guilinensis L. Xu & Y. G. Wei, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China
2004 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Xu, Liang |
New chromosome counts and nuclear characteristics for some members of Gesneriaceae subfamily Cyrtandroideae from China and Vietnam
2004 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Zhou, P. |
Phylogenetic Relationships and the Diversification of Floral Form in Achimenes (Gesneriaceae)
2003 |
Systematic Botany |
Roalson, Eric H. |
Meristem fate and bulbil formation in Titanotrichum (Gesneriaceae).
2003 |
American Journal of Botany |
Wang, Chun-Neng |
Phylogenetic relationships and the diversification of floral form in Achimenes (Gesneriaceae)
2003 |
Systematic Botany |
Roalson, Eric H. |
Systematics and evolution of tribe Sinningieae (Gesneriaceae): evidence from phylogenetic analyses of six plastid DNA regions and nuclear ncpGS
2003 |
American Journal of Botany |
Perrett, Mathieu |
Phylogenetic position and generic differentiation of Epithemateae (Gesneriaceae) inferred from plastid DNA sequence data
2003 |
American Journal of Botany |
Mayer, Veronika |
A Preliminary Phylogeny of Alloplectus (Gesneriaceae): Implications for the Evolution of Flower Resupination
2003 |
Systematic Botany |
Clark, John L. |
Two New Species of Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from South Africa
2003 |
Novon |
Edwards, T. J. |
Pleuroschisma, a new section of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) from Borneo
2003 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Hilliard, O. M. |
Hummingbirds as vectors of fungal spores in Moussonia deppeana (Gesneriaceae): taking advantage of a mutualism?
2003 |
American Journal of Botany |
Lara, Carlos |
A new species of Opithandra (Gesneriaceae) from Guizhou, China
2003 |
Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica |
Li, Zhen-Yu |
Phenovariation induced in Streptocarpus prolixus (Gesneriaceae) by β-glucosyl Yariv reagent
2003 |
Canadian Journal of Botany |
Rauh, Richard A. |
Ovary structure of the genus Gyrogyne (Gesneriaceae, Epithemateae)
2003 |
Australian Systematic Botany |
Wang, Yin-Zheng |
Nomenclatural Actions in Whytockia (Gesneriaceae)
2003 |
Novon |
Wang, Yin-Zheng |
The Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) Species of Mount Kerinci, Sumatra
2003 |
Harvard Papers in Botany |
Bramley, G. L. C. |
An Annotated Checklist of Gesneriaceae Type Specimens in Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Herbarium (SEL)
2003 |
Selbyana |
Clark, John L. |
Phylogenetic Relationships In The Geserioideae (Gesneriaceae) based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA TRNL-F and TRNE-T Spacer Region Sequences
2002 |
American Journal of Botany |
Zimmer, Elizabeth A. |
A Morphological Cladistic Analysis of the Neotropical Flowering Plant Genus Gasteranthus (Gesneriaceae)
2002 |
Systematic Botany |
Roalson, Eric H. |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum X: A New Species of Achimenes from Mexico
2002 |
Novon |
Ramirez Roa, Angelica |
Phylogenetic relationships in the Gesnerioideae (Gesneriaceae) based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL-F and trnE-T spacer region sequences.
2002 |
American Journal of Botany |
Zimmer, Elizabeth A. |
Effects of nectar theft by flower mites on hummingbird behavior and the reproductive success of their host plant, Moussonia deppeana (Gesneriaceae)
2002 |
Oikos |
Lara, Carlos |
New Gesneriaceae from Minas Gerais, Brazil
2002 |
Candollea |
Chautems, Alain |
New Gesneriaceae from Minas Gerais, Brazil (Addendum)
2002 |
Candollea |
Chautems, Alain |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XI. New genera and species from the Guianas
2002 |
Brittonia |
Feuillet, Christian |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XII. New species of Gesneriaceae from the Guianas
2002 |
Brittonia |
Feuillet, Christian |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum VIII: Alloplectus grandicalyx, a New Species from Colombia and Ecuador
2002 |
Novon |
Clark, John L. |
The ontogeny of Aeschynanthus seeds – A comparative study using scanning electron microscopy
2002 |
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |
Christie, F. |
New Gesneriaceae: a Chirita from Vietnam and a Monophyllaea from Sulawesi
2002 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Burtt, B. L. |
The genus Agalmyla (Gesneriaceae-Cyrtandroideae)
2002 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Hilliard, O. M. |
A new species of Agalmyla (Gesneriaceae) from Sulawesi
2002 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Hilliard, O. M. |
A new species of Monophyllaea (Gesneriaceae) from Borneo
2002 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Kiew, Ruth |
Flower mites and nectar production in six hummingbird-pollinated plants with contrasting flower longevities
2002 |
Canadian Journal of Botany |
Lara, Carlos |
A new species of Chirita (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China
2002 |
Novon |
Li, Zhen-Yu |
A New Species of Lysionotus (Gesneriaceae) from Yunnan
2002 |
Acta Botanica Yunnanica |
Lu, Yuan-Xue |
Chromosome Numbers in Ten Species in the Gesneriaceae from Yunnan
2002 |
Acta Botanica Yunnanica |
Lu, Yuan-Xue |
Floral organogenesis of Titanotrichum oldhamii (Gesneriaceae)
2002 |
Acta Botanica Sinica |
Pan, Kai-Yu |
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Coding Region of the Developmental Gene Gcyc in Natural Populations of the Relict Ramonda myconi (Gesneriaceae)
2002 |
Plant Biology |
Pico, F. X. |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum IX: Cremospermopsis, a New Genus from Colombia
2002 |
Novon |
Skog, Laurence E. |
Inflorescence development of Whytockia (Epithemateae, Gesneriaceae) and phylogenetic implications within Gesneriaceae
2002 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Wang, Y.-Z. |
Pattern and significance of seedling development in Titanotrichum oldhamii (Gesneriaceae)
2002 |
Acta Botanica Sinica |
Wang, Yin-Zheng |
Patterns and Significance of Floral Development in Whytockia (Gesneriaceae)
2002 |
Plant Biology |
Wang, Y.-Z. |
A Revision of the Central American Genus Solenophora (Gesneriaceae)
2002 |
Harvard Papers in Botany |
Weigend, Maximilian |
Notes on Gesneriaceae from Guangdong Province
2002 |
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany |
Zheng, Yong-li |
Chromosome numbers of 4 species in the Gesneriaceae from Guangxi
2002 |
Unknown |
Cao, Limin |
Evolution of morphological novelty: A phylogenetic analysis of growth patterns in Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae)
2001 |
Evolution |
Möller, Michael |
The Phylogenetic Relationships of Lembocarpus and Goyazia (Gesneriaceae) Based on ndhF Sequences
2001 |
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden |
Smith, James F. |
Testa and seed appendage morphology in Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae): phytogeographical patterns and taxonomic implications
2001 |
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |
Mendum, M. |
A molecular test of Huxley’s line Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) in Borneo and the Philippines
2001 |
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society |
Atkins, Hannah |
The genus Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) in Palawan, Philippines
2001 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Atkins, H. |
Nectar Sugar Composition in Relation to Pollination Syndromes in Sinningieae (Gesneriaceae)
2001 |
Annals of Botany |
Perret, Mathieu |
Evolution in Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae) inferred from ITS sequences
2001 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Denduangboripant, J. |
Evolution and alignment of the hypervariable arm 1 of Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae) ITS2 nuclear ribosomal DNA.
2001 |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
Denduangboripant, Jessada |
Kaisupeea: a new genus of Gesneriaceae centred in Thailand
2001 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Burtt, B. L. |
Una nueva especie de Besleria (Gesneriaceae) para Colombia
2001 |
Caldasia |
Gonzalez, Carlos E. |
Developmental morphology of one-leaf plant Monophyllaea singularis (Gesneriaceae)
2001 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Imaichi, R. |
Nectar ‘theft’ by hummingbird flower mites and its consequences for seed set in Moussonia deppeana
2001 |
Functional Ecology |
Lara, C. |
A High Elevation Ancestry for the Usambara Mountains and Lowland Populations of African Violets (Saintpaulia, Gesneriaceae)
2001 |
Systematics and Geography of Plants |
Lindqvist, Charlotte |
Three new Gesneriaceae from Palawan, Philippines
2001 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Mendum, Mary |
Evolutionary history of the genus Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae) inferred from morphological, molecular phylogenetic and geographical data
2001 |
Flor Malesiana (Symposium) |
Mendum, M. |
Cytotaxonomic observations in the genus Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae)
2001 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Rashid, M. H. |
High species diversity in fleshy-fruited tropical understory plants.
2001 |
The American Naturalist |
Smith, James F. |
Palynology of South Pacific Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) with notes on some Hawaiian taxa
2001 |
Grana |
Schlag-Edler, Birgit |
A New Species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) from Kaua’i, Hawaiian Islands
2001 |
Novon |
Wagner, Warren L. |
Reversion of floral development under adverse ecological conditions in Whytockia bijieensis (Gesneriaceae)
2001 |
Australian Journal of Botany |
Wang, Y. Z. |
Embryology of Whytockia hekouensis (Gesneriaceae)
2001 |
Acta Botanica Yunnanica |
Wang, Yin-Zheng |
A new species of Chirita Buch .-Ham. ex D. Don (Gesneriaceae)from Guangxi , China
2001 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wei, Yi-Gang |
A new species of Sinningia (Gesneriaceae) from northeastern Brazil
2000 |
Brittonia |
Chautems, Alain |
The Genus Rhynchotechum Blume (Gesneriaceae) in Taiwan
2000 |
Taiwania |
Wang, Jenn-Che |
Phylogenetic resolution within the tribe Episcieae (Gesneriaceae): congruence of ITS and NDHF sequences from parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses.
2000 |
American Journal of Botany |
Smith, James F. |
A Phylogenetic Analysis of Tribes Beslerieae and Napeantheae (Gesneriaceae) and Evolution of Fruit Types: Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood Analyses of ndhF Sequences
2000 |
Systematic Botany |
Smith, James F. |
Una nueva especie de Columnea (Gesneriaceae) del norte de los Andes
2000 |
Caldasia |
Amaya-Marquez, Marisol |
Diversity of cycloidea-like Genes in Gesneriaceae in Relation to Floral Symmetry
2000 |
Annals of Botany |
Citerne, Helene L. |
High intraindividual variation in internal transcibed spacer sequences in Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae): implications for phylogenetics.
2000 |
Proceedings of the Royal Society (Biological Sciences) |
Denduangboripant, Jessada |
Three new species of Gasteranthus (Gesneriaceae) from Ecuador
2000 |
Brittonia |
Freiberg, Martin |
In vitro study of mineral nutrition in Sinningia allagophylla (Martius) Wiehler (Gesneriaceae) related to adaptation to cerrado conditions
2000 |
Revista Brasileira de Biologia |
Gomes, Marcia A. Novaes |
Ontogenetic Anatomy of Streptocarpus grandis (Gesneriaceae) with Implications for Evolution of Monophylly
2000 |
Annals of Botany |
Imaichi, Ryoko |
New chromosome counts in Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from Madagascar and the Comoro Islands and their taxonomic significance
2000 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Jong, K. |
Attraction of Hummingbirds by Extrafloral Cues in Some Costa Rican Species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae)
2000 |
Linzer biologische Beiträge |
Kastinger, Christoph |
Chemical relationships of Polypremum procumbens/, Tetrachondra hamiltonii and Peltanthera yoribunda
2000 |
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology |
Jensen, Soren Rosendal |
Phylogenetic Studies in Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae): Reconstruction of Biogeographic History and Distribution Patterns
2000 |
Systematics and Geography of Plants |
Möller, Michael |
Protein Dynamics in Thylakoids of the Desiccation-Tolerant Plant Boea hygroscopica during Dehydration and Rehydration
2000 |
Plant Physiology |
Navari-Izzo, Flavia |
Revision of Gasteranthus (Gesneriaceae)
2000 |
Systematic Botany Monographs |
Skog, Laurence E. |
Phylogenetic signal common to three data sets: Combining data which initially appear heterogeneous
2000 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Smith, J. F. |
Names, types and current placement of the species hitherto referred to Didymocarpus, Loxocarpus, Codonoboea, Platyadenia and Henckelia (Gesneriaceae)
2000 |
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien |
Vitek, E. |
A Reassessment of Cyrtandra kealiae and C. limahuliensis (Gesneriaceae)
2000 |
Bishop Museum Occasional Papers |
Wagner, Warren L. |
The growth pattern of shoots in Whytockia (Gesneriaceae) with phylogenetic implications
2000 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wang, Yin-Zheng |
A new species of Whytockia W.W. Smith (Gesneriaceae) from Yunnan, China
2000 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wang, Yin Z. |
Materials for a revision of Didymocarpus (Gesneriaceae)
2000 |
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien |
Weber, A. |
New materials of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China
2000 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wei, Yi-Gang |
A synopsis of the genus Linnaeopsis (Gesneriaceae), an “Uluguru Streptocarpus”
2000 |
Flora |
Weigend, Maximilian |
Shoot and Inflorescence Architecture of the Neotropical Genus Sinningia (Gesneriaceae)
1999 |
The Evolution of Plant Architecture (book) |
Chautems, Alain |
Old World Gesneriaceae: VI. Six miscellaneous notes
1999 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Burtt, B. L. |
mRNA Differential Display Visualized by Silver Staining Tested on Gene Expression in Resurrection Plant Boea hygrometrica
1999 |
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter |
Deng, Xin |
New plants of the Gesneriaceae from Guangxi of China (Ⅲ)
1999 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Fang, Ding |
Evolution and Development of Floral Diversity in Streptocarpus and Saintpaulia
1999 |
Annals of Botany |
Harrison, C. Jill |
Towards a revision of Agalmyla (Gesneriaceae)
1999 |
Blumea |
Hilliard, O. M. |
Phylogeny and Conservation of African Violets (Saintpaulia: Gesneriaceae): New Findings Based on Nuclear Ribosomal 5S Non-Transcribed Spacer Sequences
1999 |
Kew Bulletin |
Lindqvist, Charlotte |
Three new species of Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae)
1999 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Mendum, M. |
Integrating Molecular Phylogenies and Developmental Genetics: a Gesneriaceae Case Study
1999 |
Book Chapter in: Molecular Systematics and Plant Evolution, Hollingsworth, Bateman and Gornall |
Möller, M. |
New approaches to the systematics of Saintpaulia and Streptocarpus
1999 |
Proceedings of Taxonomy of Cultivated Plants, Third International Symposium |
Möller, Michael |
Sinningia allagophylla (Gesneriaceae): in vitro cultivation of a native plant of the Brazilian cerrado
1999 |
Revista Brasileira de Botanica |
Palazetti de Almeida, Vilma |
Gesneriaceae (Ecuador)
1999 |
Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador (Jorgenson and Leon-Yanez eds.) |
Skog, L. |
Alloplectus martinianus, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Ecuador
1999 |
Novon |
Smith, James F. |
Hummingbird pollination in Besleria longimucronata Hoehne (Gesneriaceae) in southeastern Brazil
1999 |
Biociencias |
San Martin-Gajardo, Ivonne |
Karyomorphology of four species in Ancylostemon, Briggsiopsis and Lysionotus (Gesneriaceae)
1999 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wang, Yin-Zheng |
A new species of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae) from the volcanic islands off Semporna, Sabah
1999 |
Sandakania |
Wong, K. M. |
A Cladistic Analysis of ndhF Sequences from Representative Species of Saintpaulia and Streptocarpus Subgenera and Streptocarpella (Gesneriaceae)
1998 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Smith, James F. |
Haberlea rhodopensis: a classic Balakan endemic
1998 |
The New Plantsman |
Akeroyd, John |
Taxonomic history of Didymocarpus and Henckelia
1998 |
Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen |
Burtt, B. L. |
New species of phytogeographical interest in Beccarinda and Henckelia
1998 |
Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen |
Burtt, B. L. |
Plants in Peril, 24: Notes on lowland African violets (Saintpaulia) in the wild
1998 |
Curtis's Botanical Magazine |
Clarke, G. P. |
Preliminary Phylogenetic Analysis of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) Based on ITS Sequence Data
1998 |
Flora Malesiana Symposium |
Cronk, Q. C. B. |
The conservation status of Saintpaulia
1998 |
Curtis's Botanical Magazine |
Eastwood, A. |
Two Remarkable New Species of Gasteranthus (Gesneriaceae) from Central Ecuador
1998 |
Phyton; annales rei botanicae |
Freiberg, Martin |
Los géneros de gesneriáceas de Colombia
1998 |
Caldasia |
Kvist, Lars P. |
Karyological Differentiation in Malesian Gesneriaceae
1998 |
Flora Malesiana Symposium |
Kiehn, M. |
The Unique Elements of the Limestone Flora of Batu Tengar Cave (Segarong), Sabah, Malaysia
1998 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Kiew, Ruth |
Three new genera of Gesneriaceae from limestone of Peninsular Malaysia
1998 |
Beitraege zur Biologie der Pflanzen |
Kiew, R. |
Embryological studies in Sanango racemosum (Loganiaceae s.l.)
1998 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Moldanado, S. |
Notes on Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae) from Seram
1998 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Mendum, M. |
Phylogenetic analysis of the tribes Gloxinieae and Gesnerieae (Gesneriaceae): date from ndhF sequences
1998 |
Selbyana |
Smith, James F. |
Generic position of the species hitherto referred to Didissandra (Gesneriaceae)
1998 |
Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen |
Vitek, E. |
Gesneriaceae (in Flora of China)
1998 |
Flora of China, Volume 18 |
Wang, Wentsai |
The application of sequence analysis of rDNA fragment to the systematic study of the subfamily Cyrtandroideae (Gesneriaceae)
1998 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wang, Xiao-Quan |
Karyotypes of Whytockia (Gesneriaceae)
1998 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wang, Yin-Zheng |
New Taxa of Monophyllaea (Gesneriaceae) from Peninsular Malaysia
1998 |
Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen |
Weber, Anton |
General Introduction to Taxonomic Studies in South East Asian Gesneriaceae
1998 |
Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen |
Weber, A. |
Revision of the Genus Didissandra (Gesneriaceae)
1998 |
Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen |
Weber, A. |
Revision of the Genus Ridleyandra
1998 |
Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen |
Weber, A. |
Remodelling of Didymocarpus and Associated Genera (Gesneriaceae)
1998 |
Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen |
Weber, A. |
The resources of ornamental plants in Gesneriaceae in Guangxi
1998 |
Guihaia |
Wen, Hequn |
New Taxa, New Combinations and Notes on Chinese Gesneriaceae
1997 |
Novon |
Weitzman, Anna L. |
Familial placement of Cyrtandromoea, Titanotrichum and Sanango, three problematic genera of the Lamiales
1997 |
Taxon |
Smith, J. F. |
Tribal Relationships in the Gesneriaceae: Evidence from DNA Sequences of the Chloroplast Gene ndhF
1997 |
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden |
Smith, J. F. |
A Cladistic Analysis of the Tribe Episcieae (Gesneriaceae) Based on ndhF Sequences: Origin of Morphological Characters
1997 |
Systematic Botany |
Smith, James F. |
Origin and relationships of Saintpaulia (Gesneriaceae) based on ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences
1997 |
American Journal of Botany |
Möller, Michael |
Old World Gesneriaceae: V. Suprageneric Names
1997 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Burtt, B. L. |
New Gesneriaceae from Sao Paulo, Brazil
1997 |
Candollea |
Chautems, Alain |
From a Brazilian market to a New York showroom: the story of Sinningia iarae
1997 |
The Gloxinian |
Chautems, Alain |
Strange morphogenesis — organ determination in Monophyllaea
1997 |
Trends in Plant Science |
Cronk, Quentin |
Les jardins de fourmis de Guyane française: relations entre arbres-supports, épiphytes et fourmis
1997 |
Acta Botanica Gallica |
Dejean, Alain |
New names in Epithema (Gesneriaceae)
1997 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Hilliard, O. M. |
Germination and development of bulbils in Titanotrichum oldhami
1997 |
The Journal of Japanese Botany |
Horiuchi, Shizuo |
Chromosome numbers of Malayan and other paleotropical Gesneriaceae. I. Tribe Didymocarpeae
1997 |
Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen |
Kiehn, M. |
Chromosome numbers of Malayan and other paleotropical Gesneriaceae. II. Tribes Trichosporeae, Cyrtandreae and Epithemateae
1997 |
Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen |
Kiehn, M. |
A cladistic analysis of ndhF sequences from representative species of Saintpaulia and Streptocarpus subgenera Streptocarpus and Streptocarpella (Gesneriaceae)
1997 |
American Journal of Botany (Abstracts) |
Kresge, Michele E. |
Notes on the Genus Rhynchotechum Blume (Gesneriaceae) in Taiwan
1997 |
Taiwania |
Li, Zhen-Yu |
Secretory tissues of the flower of Sanango racemosum (Gesneriaceae). I. Light microscopy
1997 |
Acta Botanica Neerlandica |
Maldonado, Sara |
Regulation of CAM and Respiratory Recycling by Water Supply in Higher Poikilohydric Plants — Haberlea rhodopensis Friv. and Ramonda serbica Panč, at Transition from Biosis to Anabiosis and Vice Versa
1997 |
Botanica Acta |
Markovska, Y. |
Aeschynanthus flavidus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Sarawak
1997 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Mendum, Mary |
Phylogeny and disjunct distribution: evolution of Saintpaulia (Gesneriaceae).
1997 |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
Möller, Michael |
Desiccation increases sucrose levels in Ramonda and Haberlea, two genera of resurrection plants in the Gesneriaceae
1997 |
Physiologia Plantarum |
Muller, Joachim |
A New Species of Solenophora (Gesneriaceae) from Southeast Veracruz, Mexico
1997 |
Novon |
Ramirez-Roa, Angelica |
The Gesneriaceae of Ecuador
1997 |
Book Chapter: Valencia and Balslev, Estudios Sobre Diversidad Y Ecologia de Plantas |
Skog, Laurence E. |
A review of Resia
1997 |
Biollania |
Skog, Laurence E. |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum VII: New Combinations
1997 |
Novon |
Skog, Laurence E. |
Phylogenetic analysis of the tribes Gloxinieae and Gesnerieae (Gesneriaceae): date from ndhF sequences
1997 |
American Journal of Botany (Abstracts) |
Smith, James F. |
Phylogeny of Some Species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) Inferred from the atpB/rbcL cpDNA Intergene Region
1997 |
Botanica Acta |
Samuel, R. |
Seed coat structure in Didissandra, Ridleyandra and Raphiocarpus (Gesneriaceae)
1997 |
Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen |
Sontag, S. |
Determination of the unequal fate of cotyledons of a one-leaf plant, Monophyllaea
1997 |
Development |
Tsukaya, Hirokazu |
A New Species of the Genus Whytockia W. W. Smith (Gesneriaceae) from Guizhou, China
1997 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wang, Yin-zheng |
Floral Morphogenesis of Rhynchoglossum omeiense (Gesneriaceae) and Its Phylogenetic Implication
1997 |
Acta Botanica Yunnanica |
Wang, Yinzheng |
Pollen morphology of tribe Trichosporeae (Gesneriaceae) in China and its systematic significance
1997 |
Harvard Papers in Botany |
Yan, Zhi-jian |
Electrolyte leakage differences between poikilohydrous and homoiohydrous species of Gesneriaceae
1997 |
Biologia Plantarum |
Stevanović, B. |
Tribal Relationships Within Gesneriaceae: A Cladistic Analysis of Morphological Data
1996 |
Systematic Botany |
Smith, James F. |
Revision of Pearcea (Gesneriaceae)
1996 |
Smithsonian Contributions to Botany |
Kvist, Lars Peter |
Comparative Ethnobotanical Studies of the Amerindian Groups in Coastal Ecuador
1996 |
Book |
Barfod, Anders S. |
Interspecific Hybridization in Sinningia (Gesneriaceae
1996 |
Baileya |
Clayberg, Carl |
Caffeoyl phenylethanoid glycosides in Sanango racemosum and in the gesneriaceae
1996 |
Phytochemistry |
Jensen, Søren Rosendal |
The Geographical Distribution of the Subfamily Cyrtandroideae Endl. Emend. Burtt (Gesneriaceae)
1996 |
Acta Taxonomica Sinica |
Li, Zhen-Yu |
A New Species of Chirita (Gesneriaceae) from Yunnan, China
1996 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Qian, Yi-Yong |
Interspecific hybridization in natural populations of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) on the Hawaiian Islands: Evidence from RAPD markers
1996 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Smith, James F. |
Tribal relationships within the Gesneriaceae: An assessment of three data sets
1996 |
American Journal of Botany (Abstracts) |
Smith, James F. |
An Anamorphosis of Gynoecium in Whytockia (Gesneriaceae), with Phylogenetic Implications
1996 |
Acta Botanica Yunnanica |
Wang, Yin-Zheng |
New or critical records for the flora of Argentina: Gloxinia gymnostoma and G. nematanthodes (Gesneriaceae)
1996 |
Darwiniana |
Xifreda, Cecilia Carmen |
Acute morphological changes of palisade cells of Saintpaulia leaves induced by a rapid temperature drop
1996 |
Journal of Plant Research |
Yun, Jae Gill |
Stauranthera, a new record from China
1996 |
Acta Botanica Yunnanica |
Zhu, Hua |
Classification of the family Gesneriaceae
1995 |
Gesneriana |
Burtt, B. L. |
Index of new names, new combinations and synonymies
1995 |
Gesneriana |
Wiehler, Hans |
Medicinal Gesneriads. 122 species of the rain forest plant family Gesneriaceae used medicinally in the Neotropics
1995 |
Gesneriana |
Wiehler, Hans |
New Species of Gesneriaceae from the Neotropics (II)
1995 |
Gesneriana |
Wiehler, Hans |
A Reduction of Lietzia to Sinningia
1995 |
Gesneriana |
Wiehler, Hans |
Taxonomic Revision of Sinningia Nees (Gesneriaceae) III: New Species from Brazil and New Combinations
1995 |
Gesneriana |
Chautems, Alain |
New Plants of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi and Guizhou of China (Cont. II)
1995 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Fang, Ding |
Notas sobre el género Anetanthus Hieron. ex Benth. (Gesneriaceae) en Colombia
1995 |
Caldasia |
Fernandez A., Jose Luis |
A new species of Drymonia from Costa Rica
1995 |
Gesneriana |
Gomez-Laurito, Jorge |
Old World Gesneriaceae. IV. Notes on Didymocarpus and Lysionotus
1995 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Hilliard, O. M. |
Didymocarpus miniatus (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Peninsular Malaysia
1995 |
Novon |
Kiew, Ruth |
A new species and section of Didymocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from Belum and Temengor, Hulu Perak, Peninsular Malaysia
1995 |
Malayan Nature Journal |
Kiew, Ruth |
Aeschynanthus oxychlamys Mendum, nom. nov. (Gesneriaceae)
1995 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Mendum, Mary |
A New Species of Isometrum Craib
1995 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Pan, Kai-yu |
A Possible Realignment of Resia H. E. Moore (Gesneriaceae)
1995 |
American Journal of Botany |
Skog, Laurence E. |
Jankaea heldreichii (Boiss.) Boiss.
1995 |
The Red Data Book of Rare and Threatened Plants of Greece |
Phitos, D. |
Cyrtandromoea: A new recorded genus of Scrophulariaceae and a new species in China
1995 |
Acta Botanica Yunnaica |
Tao, De-Ding |
In vitro propagation of Jankea heldreichii Boiss. (Gesneriaceae)
1995 |
Glasnik Instituta Za Botaniku I Botanicke Baste Univerziteta U Beogradu |
Vinterhalter, Branka |
Two New Species of Whytockia ( Gesneriaceae) from Yunnan
1995 |
Acta Phtotaxonomica Sinica |
Wang, Yin-zheng |
Developmental Aspects of the Pair-Flowered Cyme of Gesneriaceae
1995 |
Gesneriana |
Weber, Anton |
Pollen morphology of tribe Klugieae (Gesneriaceae) in China
1995 |
Cathaya |
Yan, Zhi-Jian |
A Re-Examination of Sanango racemosum. 4. Its New Systematic Position in Gesneriaceae
1994 |
Taxon |
Wiehler, Hans |
A Re-Examination of Sanango racemosum. 1. Morphology and Distribution
1994 |
Taxon |
Norman, Eliane M. |
A Re-Examination of Sanango racemosum. 2. Vegetative and Floral Anatomy
1994 |
Taxon |
Dickison, William C. |
A Re-Examination of Sanango racemosum. 3. Chemotaxonomy
1994 |
Taxon |
Jensen, Søren Rosendal |
New plants of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi of China (Cont.1)
1994 |
Acta Taxonomica Sinica |
Fang, Ding |
A Catalogue of Type Specimens (Cormophyta) in the Herbaria of China (Gesneriaceae)
1994 |
A catalogue of Type Specimens (Cormophyta) in the Herbaria of China |
Jin, Shuyin |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum VI: Five New Gesneriaceae from Northwestern South America
1994 |
Brittonia |
Skog, Laurence E. |
Systematics of Columnea Section Pentadenia and Section Stygnanthe (Gesneriaceae)
1994 |
Systematic Botany Monographs |
Smith, James F. |
Evolution in the Andean Epiphytic Genus Columnea (Gesneriaceae). I. Morphological Variation
1994 |
Systematic Botany |
Smith, James F. |
Evolution in the Andean Epiphytic Genus Columnea (Gesneriaceae). II. Chloroplast DNA Restriction Site Variation
1994 |
Systematic Botany |
Smith, James F. |
Molecules and morphology: congruence of data in Columnea (Gesneriaceae)
1994 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Smith, James F. |
Antioxidant system in Boea hygroscopica: Changes in response to desiccation and rehydration
1994 |
Phytochemistry |
Sgherri, Cristina Luisa Maria |
Flora of Australia, Volume 49 (Oceanic Islands I)- Gesneriaceae
1994 |
Flora of Australia |
Wilson, A. J. G. |
A New Species of Paraboea Ridley from Thailand
1994 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Xu, Zhao-ran |
Lysionotus warleyensis Willmott newly found in the Ryukyus.
1994 |
Journal of Japanese Botany |
Yamazaki, Takasi |
The African Violet Stamp Becomes a Reality
1994 |
African Violet Magazine |
Welchel, Lynda Carole |
New Plants of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi of China
1993 |
Acta Taxonomica Sinica |
Fang, Ding |
Nomenclatural Solutions in the Gesneriaceae
1993 |
Taxon |
Feuillet, Christian |
The Genus Columnea (Gesneriaceae) in Ecuador
1993 |
Allertonia |
Kvist, Lars P. |
Melittophily and Ornithophily of Long-tubed Flowers in Zingiberaceae and Gesneriaceae in West Sumatra
1993 |
Tropics |
Kato, Makoto |
Pollen of Hawaiian Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) including notes on Southeast Asian taxa
1993 |
Blumea |
Luegmayr, Eva |
Pollen Characters of Old World Gesneriaceae (Cyrtandroideae)
1993 |
Grana |
Luegmayr, Eva |
The generative cell and its close association with the endoplasmic reticulum of the vegetative cell in pollen of Cyrtandra pendula (Gesneriaceae)
1993 |
Protoplasma |
Luegmayr, Eva |
Molecular systematics and Columnea: Tracing Evolutionary History
1993 |
The Gloxinian |
Smith, James F. |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum V. Four New Species and Two New Combinations in Columnea from South America
1993 |
Novon |
Smith, James F. |
Patterns in Floral Nectar Characteristics of Some Bird-Visited Plant Species From Costa Rica
1993 |
Biotropica |
Stiles, F. Gary |
A new species of Paraboea from Hainan Island
1993 |
Acta Botanica Yunnanica |
Xing, Fu-Wu |
Gesneriaceae, pp. 376-380 — Flora of Japan, Volume IIIa
1993 |
Flora of Japan IIIa |
Yamazaki, T. |
Gesneriaceae, pp. 361-448 — The endemic genera of seed plants of China
1993 |
The Endemic Genera of Seed Plants of China |
Ying, Tsun-shen |
Revision of Kohleria (Gesneriaceae)
1992 |
Smithsonian Contributions to Botany |
Kvist, Lars Peter |
New Species of Gesneriaceae from the Neotropics
1992 |
Phytologia |
Wiehler, Hans |
Two New Species of Streptocarpus from Southern Africa
1992 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Hilliard, O. M. |
Gesneriaceae of the old World III. New species and varieties from Borneo, chiefly from Mt Kinabalu
1992 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Burtt, B. L. |
Notes on the Genus Streptocarpus
1992 |
Bothalia |
Edwards, T. J. |
A New Species of Tengia
1992 |
Journal of China Pharmaceutical University |
He, Shunzhi |
Some Physiological Characteristics of Ramonda servica and R. nathaliae
1992 |
Physiologia Plantarum |
Jelic, Gordana |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum IV: Alloplectus purpureus and Columnea nematoloba—New Gesneriaceae from northwestern South America
1992 |
Brittonia |
Kvist, Lars P. |
Five New Species of Didymocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from Peninsular Malaysia
1992 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Kiew, R. |
Effects of dehydration and rehydration on the polar lipid and fatty acid composition of Ramonda species
1992 |
Canadian Journal of Botany |
Stevanovic, Branka |
Genus Novum Gesneriacearum e Vietnam (“A New Genus of Gesneriaceae from Vietnam”)
1992 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wang, Wen-tsai |
A New Combination of the Gesneriaceae
1992 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Wang, Wen-tsai |
Notulae de Gesneriaceis Sinensibus (X) – Studies on the Gesneriads of China (Ten)
1992 |
Guihaia |
Wang, Wen-tsai |
Keys to the Gesneriaceae of China
1992 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Wang, Wen-Tsai |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum III. Additional New Species from Venezuela
1991 |
Novon |
Skog, Laurence E. |
The family Gesneriaceae in the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil
1991 |
Revista Brasileira de Botanica |
Chautems, Alain |
Taxonomic revision of Sinningia Nees (Gesneriaceae) II: new species from Brazil
1991 |
Candollea |
Chautems, Alain |
Changes of low-molecular weight substances in Boea hygroscopica in response to desiccation and rehydration
1991 |
Phytochemistry |
Bianchi, Giorgio |
A morphological study and cladistic analysis of Sinningia and associated genera with particular reference to Lembocarpus, Lietzia, Paliavana, and Vanhouttea
1991 |
M.S. Thesis, Cornell University |
Boggan, John Kendall |
Index to plant chromosome numbers 1988-1989
1991 |
Monographs in Systematic Botany (Missouri Botanical Garden) |
Goldblatt, Peter |
In vitro multiplication of Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl. by homogenization of tissue cultures
1991 |
Scientia Horticulturae |
Mølgaard, J. P. |
Two new phanerogam species from the Nguru Mountains of Tanzania, East Africa
1991 |
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica |
Pócs, Tamás |
Chorological differentiation of endemo-relic species Ramonda serbica Panc. and R. nathaliae Panc. et Petrov. (Gesneriaceae) on the Balkan peninsula
1991 |
Botanika Chronika |
Stevanovic, V. |
Mountain Flora of Greece (Volume 2): Gesneriaceae
1991 |
Book: Edinburgh University Press |
Strid, Arne |
The genus Aeschynanthus, with notes on two unusual species
1991 |
The Kew Magazine |
Woods, Patrick |
Towards a revision of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae): I.
1991 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Xu, Shaoran |
A New Species of Boea (Gesneriaceae) from Anhui
1991 |
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica |
Zhou, Shou-biao |
Taxonomic revision of Sinningia Nees : nomenclatural changes and new synonymies
1990 |
Candollea |
Chautems, Alain |
Gesneriaceae of the Old World I. New and little-known species of Cyrtandra from Malesia
1990 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Burtt, B. L. |
Gesneriaceae of the Old World II. A new Didymocarpus from Sumatra
1990 |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
Burtt, B. L. |
Proposal to conserve 7857a Nautilocalyx against Centrosolenia
1990 |
Taxon |
Feuillet, Christian |
Proposal to Emend the Type Citation of 7860 Alloplectus Mart., nom. cons.
1990 |
Taxon |
Feuillet, Christian |
Index to plant chromosome numbers 1986-1987
1990 |
Monographs in Systematic Botany (Missouri Botanical Garden) |
Goldblatt, Peter |
A new Paradrymonia (Gesneriaceae) from the Pacific versant of Costa Rica
1990 |
Brenesia |
Gomez-Laurito, Jorge |
Studies in the Gesneriaceae of the Old World LI. A New Streptocarpus from Mozambique
1990 |
Notes from the Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh |
Hilliard, O. M. |
The identity of Titanotrichum parviflorum X.B. Ye et W.T. Lin
1990 |
Acta Botanica Austro Sinica |
Hu, Qimin |
Intraspecific variation in Kohleria (Gesneriaceae)
1990 |
AAU Reports 25 |
Kvist, Lars Peter |
Revision of Heppiella (Gesneriaceae)
1990 |
Systematic Botany |
Kvist, Lars Peter |
Reassessment of the Generic Status of Codonoboea (Gesneriaceae) and its Species
1990 |
Blumea |
Kiew, Ruth |
Didymocarpus (Gesneriaceae) on Gunung Tahan, Malaysia
1990 |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore |
Kiew, Ruth |
Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Rhynchotechum vestitum Hook. F. Et Thoms
1990 |
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica |
Liu, G. M. |
A natural hybrid of Monophyllaea (Gesneriaceae) in the tropical rain forests of West Sumatra
1990 |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
Okada, Hiroshi |
Pollination ecology and reproductive potential of Jankaea heldreichii (Gesneriaceae); a tertiary relict on Mt Olympus, Greece
1990 |
Biological Conservation |
Vokou, D. |
Proposal to Conserve 7892 Rhytidophyllum and its spelling against Codonophora (Gesneriaceae)
1990 |
Taxon |
Xu, Z. R. |
A study of Bellonia L. (Gesneriaceae)
1990 |
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatsen (supplement) |
Xu, Zhaoran |
Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum II. A New Species of Nautilocalyx from Venezuela
1989 |
Systematic Botany |
Skog, Laurence E. |
Chromosome Counts of Some Plants Collected from West Sumatra
1989 |
Kagoshima University Repository |
Okada, H. |
Revision of Reldia (Gesneriaceae)
1989 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Kvist, L. P. |
Columnea incredibilis and Cremosperma filicifolium ‐ two remarkable new Gesneriaceae from western Colombia
1988 |
Nordic Journal of Botany |
Kvist, L. P. |
Streptocarpus myoporoides Hilliard and Burtt [family Gesneriaceae]
1988 |
Flora Zambesiaca |
Hilliard, O. M. |
CrossWords 10(1)
1986 |
CrossWords |
Al Wojcik, editor |
CrossWords 10(2)
1986 |
CrossWords |
Al Wojcik, editor |
CrossWords 10(3)
1986 |
CrossWords |
Al Wojcik, editor |
CrossWords 9(1)
1985 |
CrossWords |
Al Wojcik, editor |
CrossWords 9(2)
1985 |
CrossWords |
Al Wojcik, editor |
CrossWords 9(3)
1985 |
CrossWords |
Al Wojcik, editor |
Miscellaneous new species in the Gesneriaceae
1984 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
A Review of Chromosome Numbers in the Gesneriaceae
1984 |
Selbyana |
Skog, Laurence E. |
CrossWords 8(1)
1984 |
CrossWords |
Al Wojcik and Anne Crowley, editors |
CrossWords 8(2)
1984 |
CrossWords |
Al Wojcik, editor |
CrossWords 8(3)
1984 |
CrossWords |
Al Wojcik, editor |
A synopsis of the neotropical Gesneriaceae.
1983 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
CrossWords 7(1)
1983 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Al Wojcik, editors |
CrossWords 7(2)
1983 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Al Wojcik, editors |
CrossWords 7(3)
1983 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Al Wojcik, editors |
Systematic Studies of Cultivated Species of Codonanthe (Martius) Hanstein and Nematanthus Schrader (Gesneriaceae)
1982 |
University of Florida (Thesis) |
Yuen, Clayton Kazuo Kwock Hung |
CrossWords 6(1)
1982 |
CrossWords |
Al Wojcik and Anne Crowley, editors |
CrossWords 6(2)
1982 |
CrossWords |
Al Wojcik and Anne Crowley, editors |
CrossWords 6(3)
1982 |
CrossWords |
Al Wojcik and Anne Crowley, editors |
New species and name changes in Neotropical Gesneriaceae.
1981 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
CrossWords 5(2)
1981 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Ron Myhr, editors |
CrossWords 5(3)
1981 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Ron Myhr, editors |
CrossWords 5(4)
1981 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Ron Myhr, editors |
CrossWords 5(1)
1981 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Ron Myhr, editors |
CrossWords 4(4)
1980 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Ron Myhr, Editors |
CrossWords 4(1)
1980 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Ron Myhr, editors |
CrossWords 4(2)
1980 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Ron Myhr, editors |
CrossWords 4(3)
1980 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Ron Myhr, editors |
A reduction of Pterobesleria to Besleria (Gesneriaceae)
1979 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
Two new species of Codonanthe (Gesneriaceae)
1979 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
CrossWords 3(1)
1979 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Ron Myhr, Editors |
CrossWords 3(2)
1979 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Ron Myhr, Editors |
CrossWords 3(3)
1979 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Ron Myhr, Editors |
CrossWords 3(4)
1979 |
CrossWords |
Anne Crowley and Ron Myhr, Editors |
Gesneriaceae, In: Flora of the Rio Palenque Science Center, Ecuador
1978 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
Miscellaneous transfers and new species of neotropical Gesneriaceae.
1978 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
The genera Episcia, Alsobia, Nautilocalyx, and Paradrymonia (Gesneriaceae)
1978 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
Parakohleria, a new South American genus in the Gesneriaceae
1978 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
CrossWords 2(1)
1978 |
Gesneriads |
Peg and Art Belanger, Editors |
CrossWords 2(2)
1978 |
CrossWords |
Peg and Art Belanger, Editors |
CrossWords 2(3)
1978 |
CrossWords |
Peg and Art Belanger, Editors |
CrossWords 2(4)
1978 |
CrossWords |
Peg and Art Belanger, Editors |
CrossWords 1(1)
1977 |
CrossWords |
Peg and Art Belanger, editors |
CrossWords 1(2)
1977 |
CrossWords |
Peg and Art Belanger, Editors |
CrossWords 1(3)
1977 |
CrossWords |
Peg and Art Belanger, Editors |
CrossWords 1(4)
1977 |
CrossWords |
Peg and Art Belanger, Editors |
New hybrid genera in the Gesneriaceae
1976 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
A Report on the Classification of Achimenes, Eucodonia, Gloxinia, Goyazia and Anetanthus (Gesneriaceae)
1976 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
A study of the tribe Gesnerieae, with a revision of Gesneria (Gesneriaceae, Gesnerioideae)
1976 |
Smithsonian Institution Press |
Skog, Laurence E. |
Nautilocalyx cataractarum (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Angel Falls, Venezuela
1975 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
Codonanthe luteola (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Panama.
1975 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
Besleria L. and the re-establishment of Gasteranthus Benth. (Gesneriaceae).
1975 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
Rufodorsia, a new Central-American genus in the Gesneriaceae.
1975 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
Three new species of Trichantha from Ecuador and Peru
1975 |
Selbana |
Wiehler, Hans |
Name changes in Neotropical Gesneriaceae
1975 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
The re-establishment of Moussonia Regel (Gesneriaceae).
1975 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hanx |
Studies in the Gesneriaceae of the Old World XXXVIII: A New Species of Streptocarpus from East Africa
1975 |
Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh |
Hilliard, O. M. |
Neomortonia, A New Genus in the Gesneriaceae
1975 |
Selbyana |
Wiehler, Hans |
One hundred transfers from Allopolectus and Columnea
1973 |
Phytologia |
Wiehler, Hans |
Seven Transfers from Episcia Species in Cultivation (Gesneriaceae)
1973 |
Phytologia |
Wiehler, Hans |
Lectotypification of Isoloma and Campanea
1973 |
Taxon |
Morton, C. V. |
Lectotypifications of Some Generic Names of Gesneriaceae
1972 |
Taxon |
Morton, C. V. |
Name changes for some American Gesneriaceae in cultivation
1971 |
Baileya |
Wiehler, Hans |
Chromosome numbers in some American Gesneriaceae
1971 |
Baileya |
Wiehler, Hans |
Gesneria mortonii, a new name for Heppiella cubensis (Gesneriaceae)
1971 |
Baileya |
Wiehler, Hans |
Rediscovery of Gesneria humilis
1971 |
The Gloxinian |
Skog, Laurence E. |
The Taxonomic Status of Protocyrtandra (Gesneriaceae)
1970 |
Journal of the Arnold Arboretum |
Gillett, George W. |
xKoellikohleria, a new hybrid genus (Gesneriaceae).
1968 |
Baileya |
Wiehler, Hans |
The Kanehira-Hatusima 1940 Collection of New Guinea Plants. XVIII
1943 |
The Botanical Magazine |